Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Bosco on February 12, 2009, 07:15:15 pm
Hi there. I love 3D desing, it's a beautiful kind of art. And Anim8or makes it easy.So here i am. Forgive my bad English spelling. I'm kinda spanish.
Here you have a few renders i've done.
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This is my favorite 3D Model, since it's my character for my game being in developent. Left:The 3D Model. Right: The sprite used in the game....
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Also a video of the head:
This is another one. It's nights. From the sega saturn game: Nights Into Dreams.
I was trying to make a recreation of the model used by sega. As far i've done is his/her head (Nights is kinda genderless)
In this screenshot you can see the original model done by Sega:
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Compare them :D
Another one i've done is for a game being in developent by a friend i have.
He wanted me to make a Ristar 3D Model and his Girl Friend Volt.
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Ignore Volt's pose. Volt needed to pee before the rendering. :-\
Oh also i forgot.
I've done a 3D Animation in youtube.
Ops. Forgot again: Another 3D Animation was dedicated for a famous youtube meme: Youtube poop.
Check out my channel for 2D ones.
Well that's all for now. :)
PD:I'm 12. This is why i get involed in games most of times. Lol ::)
hi Bosco, congratulations ;)
very cool characters e modelling!!
i like character like this!! :o
congratulations again!
:D neirao
Very good job, I especially like the NiGHTS model, keep up the good work
nice clean and consistent style
This is cool, i would like to see the game if it is possible. What software are you using for the game by the way? i would like to know.