Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: captaindrewi on February 11, 2009, 06:44:11 am
LEPTONIUM...was made to celebrate the 3d ness of anim8or it's quite minimalist really
certainly in terms of modelling
i entered this film in the mobo film contest recently but it didn't make it into the final. ;D
the finshed film was designed for distibution on mobile phones so thats the reason for its dimensions.
i have been using anim8or for a number of years and without the help and genorosity of the anim8or community
it would not have come to be.
i hope you enjoy it and would love to here your views. (
i have another film called 'leptonia' which is very similar though all scenes and backgrounds are different
It is wide screen 1920 x 1080 hd,which i hope to submit somewhere?? soon.
here are some related still images from the movies made using anim8or and photoshop.
y'know, if salvador dali had had access to anim8or...
actually, it makes me think of cellular biomechanics. it's quite engrossing to watch despite the minimalism and weirdness ;D
thanks for sharing it!
- c
Love this drewi..... in fact I have downloaded the 65megs worth ... would you mind if i stuck it on Animanon?..... certainly would like the HD one as well .... This is what I call animation and a commitment to a project, so many go to the wall sadly
Excellent Work.
thanks for the comments kreator, i would be honoured for it to be included in AnimAnon.
wow very cool 8) I like the diversity, definately a intricate piece!!!
Nice abstract work, Captain! Speaking of leptonium, did you know that "The production cross section of the ultraheavy leptonium and quarkonium with the mass around 1 TeV which have the contribution of the Higgs-boson exchange is calculated in TeV regions ate + e – colliders." Maybe you can make a film about quarkonium as well someday :) (Isn't Google great?)
Awesome! Thanks for the inspiration.
thanks for all the comments means a lot.