Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Kunihiko on January 26, 2008, 09:22:43 pm
I was trying to use weights for bone limits, and it ended up so funky...
as you can see, there are a few poity areas, and the changes are very sharp, obviasly im doing something wrong
how am i supposed to paint it?
Yea I have had trouble with this too. I guess you have to repaint im not sure. Also how did you make you model like hair, texture ect.
The stretching means that the boots aren't actually painted from their bones. As you can see, some bones paint is the same color, so you need to keep this in mind. What you'll need to do is paint over the feet again with the feet bones. Right now they're painted too the parent bone.
I just used uv mapper then opened up the map on paint and put it on animator for all the textures, but the hair isn't textured, its just a separate object that goes on the head.
Anyway, so I the paint is on the parent bone? Like is the parent bone the center one that you extend all the other bones from? She has separate bones for all of her limbs, but when she moves her leg or twists her waist her butt gets all mushed up or something. Do you think you could post a pic of how much of what areas I am supposed to paint for what bone?
I'll post a picture of her bones, and the final thing to maybe help you guys to see why she is missing part of her boot and four arm.
Sorry for all the pictures, I just really wan't to make her move right.
Thankyou for all of your feed back.
To change which bone will influence the mesh, you right click the bone. This will then change the paint color too a color that corresponds with that bone. Your painting now looks proper except perhaps the feet, though I'm not sure what color corresponds to them. It could be correct. I'm not sure exactly what your problem is. If you want you can send me the model and I'll look over it for you and try to fix it.
That would be fine, do you have an aim, msn, or email? Its just that when she moves some parts, it doesnt look right, like her waist will get really skinny and things like that, I'll send it for you too look over though. Thanks.
Yes, I'll pm you with information.