Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Ringwall on January 28, 2009, 03:58:32 pm
I created this protoss not long ago, and have already made a video on it's creation. However, due to my internet speed atm I will only release the video whenever I manage to leech some wireless (probably sometime this week).
cool i really like the starcraft series. the model looks pretty good a little out of proportion, and the closed hand looks a little funny but otherwise it looks like a great model. could you post a wirefram
it looks really good. it looks like a midget though. the body itself looks pretty porportioned, the small waste and everything. it just looks to short. but everything else looks about perfect. i've been thinking about doing a hydralisk but ive been doing alot of human stuff. keep it up though maybe you can sell that as a korean postcard or something. gl hf
Korean Postcard...
~snort laugh chuckle~
I don't know if it's height is correct; I used the (incorrect) Zeratul model shown as the button for the fourth campaign.
To be honest, it's not really like I have to make things perfect, as Blizzard's design team for ingame and cinematic modellers were generally doing completely different things (ie the fact that Zeratul is black, but teal in the menus, and hydralisk spined tails).
Then again, it may just be the perspective. The shot I took had the protoss on an angle :-\
I guess I'll put a wireframe up asap.
EDIT: Ah yes, the hand does look strange because it only has one bone for it's fingers on each hand- I should really put two but w/e.