Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: The Alpha Gamer on January 25, 2009, 08:55:32 pm
Ok so i made a whip (
But i can't get it to bend, i tried a bend modifier but it seriously screws it up, what am i doing wrong?
you need to tell us what exactly you did so we can help you, remember that when you use the modifier it needs to cover the whole mesh
Anything you apply a modifier to has to have enough vertices (or "joints") in it to move. That is, a long rectangular mesh with just the end vertices won't bend.
ah that's why then, so how do i add vertices to the middle of what i've already made?
There are a number of ways, but perhaps the simplest is just to run the knife tool across the whip a few times. I would recommend a thorough reading of the section in the manual that explains the various vertice editing tools and their usage, because often there are several ways of doing a task, some more suited to your particular situation than others.
use knife to create some edge :D
Ok i did what you guys told me to do and got this... (
It looks like a couple of vertexes were outside the modifier, and were therefore not affected by it. Try again, but make the bend modifier bigger, encompassing more of the whip object. Some experimentation might be needed to get a feel for how the modifier works.
The bit that's messing up is nowhere near the modifier though as you can see.
I've just tried again making sure there were all inside, and the same thing happened
There must be something weird about how you constructed your model. I suggest you experiment with the simplest of shapes before attempting it on a new model. Why don't you upload your model and we'll take a look at it?
ok, thanks
i prefer to create some edges and then rotate-and-move them. It will make the object more simple (for me), and it will make modifying the object become easier
Hmmm, the only place I saw anything weird was up by the tip, where you've got a lot of polygons overlapping one another. I used the knife tool to add some vertices in the middle, and managed to bend it just fine:
So why wont it work for me? =/
I just tried again, and the bit that sticks out above the handle still wont move when i bend it
Sure it will work for you too ;)
Here is your file back with the bend set at 70 degrees, you still have to accept it or you can double click on the yellow box and set another number of degrees.
I believe the issue was that your modifier was too small. If you were to imagine that the modifier were to extend infinitely in both directions, you might have some mesh outside of the imagined modifier. This is why you're not getting that part to bend, because it's not included in being effected by the modifier. So to change that, you simply change the size of the modifier so that it will include all pieces of the mesh.
You can always give it more vertices, go into the figure editor, and attach the whip to a short(ish) bone, then add more bones down the length of the whip (trying to get the ends near the vertices), and doing a multi-bone skin.
well, i'm kind of having the same problem. i've downloaded the eggplant to try to learn how to use the program, but when i try to apply the modifier to bend the stem, it doesn't work. the modifier grid bends, but not the stem. i set the ortho view, and the grid appears behind the model. i tried all the stuff from the tutorial, but still it won't work. i'm following all the steps to make the eggplant, didn't change any bit, so what's exactly the problem? where did i go wrong?
There's your problem right there: "... the grid appears behind the model..." The modifier must surround the portion of the mesh you're trying to deform.
See modifiers
ok, so i did it and it worked, the stem bended as expected... but now i'm facing a new problem: trying to make the second bend, the upper part of the stem, i create the grid at the upper part, but the lower part bends, twisting the stem... i assure you i'm following all the steps...
You will have to rotate your modifier until it is upside down.
i rotated it in several ways, but in the end, i had to set the angle -90, instead of 90, for it to work. but now it worked.
anyway, i understand that the modifier grid lines must appear ABOVE the model, so when i stretch the grid until the lines overpass the model, the grid turns out to be too long, then screwing anything... still don't know how to use it... but i think i just need more practice... thx for the help anyway...