Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Karei on January 23, 2009, 06:54:29 am
made from 8x8 sphere...
I would like to create the eyebrow with uv map but still don't get any idea about how to do it on this subdivision :( (the uv coordinate is not so good)
very elegant.
this can be used to uv map complex meshes
uv mapper -
Thank You, Captaindrewi
I have problem with it in creating uv map for subdivision :(
create some faces (using knife tool) where you want the eyebrows after first reversing the subdivision. Select those faces and apply the eyebrows material and then subdivide. May need some trials to get the desired result, of course if you do not want to use any other method.
Well, i think so... :(
I need to use my traditional method: cutting edge ;D
But if we use uv map, we can draw the eyebrows more easily and add gradient on them :(
That happens because subdividing deforms the surface and adds more polygons to make it smoother. Anim8or then approximates how the UVs should be placed, but there are limitations on how accurate it can get. There's a way around this...
Take a copy of the subdivided mesh, convert it to mesh, then export to .obj. Now load that .obj file into uvmapper, then save the resulting texture map. Now delete your subdivided copy and apply the texture map you made to the original low poly mesh. Convert the low poly mesh to subdivided and there you go, the texture map matches the subdivided mesh! Now you can paint on the texture map you made and apply it to the object without worrying about unexpected results. Of course, if you keep the low poly mesh unsubdivided, then it'll look funny with the subdivided texture map applied to it.
That happens because subdividing deforms the surface and adds more polygons to make it smoother. Anim8or then approximates how the UVs should be placed, but there are limitations on how accurate it can get. There's a way around this...
Take a copy of the subdivided mesh, convert it to mesh, then export to .obj. Now load that .obj file into uvmapper, then save the resulting texture map. Now delete your subdivided copy and apply the texture map you made to the original low poly mesh. Convert the low poly mesh to subdivided and there you go, the texture map matches the subdivided mesh! Now you can paint on the texture map you made and apply it to the object without worrying about unexpected results. Of course, if you keep the low poly mesh unsubdivided, then it'll look funny with the subdivided texture map applied to it.
i have tried it before on another model, and it worked. But in this case (if we apply any projection like planar, spherical, and so on), it can't be done. It will work best if we keep the original uv coordinates. The problem is, an object made from scratch (by creating edge by edge to make a polygon) has no uv coordinate. The sphere, cube and other basic shapes provided by anim8or has uv coordinate, but if we delete it's vertex or edge, and try to redraw it, the uv coordinate of those vertex and lines remain deleted. The examples are below (i marked the lines i deleted with blue circles):
Even if anim8or somehow was able to preserve it and plug in the detail into those missing areas on your UV map, you won't be able t use it. That map you showed us is automatically generated for a sphere and is not optimized for anything else. If the details of that head happened to be preserved in that map then you would have an extremely distorted texture to draw on.
You need to re-make the UVs either though Anim8or's basic uvmapping functions or in a program like lithunwrap/uvmapper, etc before trying to paint on it. This is the only practical solution.
I don't know, but i think You're right...
I was thinking like that because in my experiment with sphere in creating a very simple head, it worked very well. I have ever posted it before :)