Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: aGMuser on December 25, 2008, 05:49:09 am
EDIT:What do you think, guys, how I am doing at 3d modeling?
I'll try to make a decent caveman and several dinos and then I'll see how good cre8or is.(I'm still making my 3d rpg with gm, this is side project).
I want any tips and advices you have to improve this model and my expierence with anim8or.
[IMG=]http://[/img] (
[IMG=][/IMG] (
practice practice practice
do some tutorials and stuff. ull get the feel of it eventually
Umm... sorry, but I found 3d creation program created specially for game maker, so I will it from now on.