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General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Bobert on December 23, 2008, 01:35:06 pm

Title: Texturing Problem
Post by: Bobert on December 23, 2008, 01:35:06 pm
After modeling I usually import my models as an obj. file into UV mapper. When I save the unwrapped mesh as a bitmap so I can texture it, the paint program only lets me use several colors  ??? However, when I work in my paint program (I use gimp and MS paint) without a UV map, everything works normally.

(example of problem: all shades of yellow and green become a dull yellow and all reds become a purple color and all shades of blue become a light blue color, etc.)

Did I loose color information when I saved the bitmap of my model from UV mapper or is something with the paint program?

P.S. It would be great help if someone could also tell me what UV mapping tool they use and how they dealt with the same problem.
Title: Re: Texturing Problem
Post by: floyd86 on December 23, 2008, 01:49:32 pm
When i export a bmp file after mapping it i works just fine. Maybe you could try reinstalling UVmapper or use an other uvmap program like roadkill or lithunwrap.
Title: Re: Texturing Problem
Post by: lynn22 on December 23, 2008, 02:03:31 pm
It seems likely to be a problem with your paint progran.
When you open your bitmap file (.bmp) in Gimp, try to convert it first from Indexed Color format to RGB format and save it as a .jpg file.

I'm not sure, I never had this problem before, but it might help.

Title: Re: Texturing Problem
Post by: RudySchneider on December 23, 2008, 03:35:07 pm
Hmmm, wonder if you could be having an 8-bit versus 24-bit color problem?
Title: Re: Texturing Problem
Post by: Bobert on December 26, 2008, 03:18:03 pm
What exactly do you mean by "8-bit versus 24-bit color problem"?
Title: Re: Texturing Problem
Post by: Kubajzz on December 26, 2008, 03:37:15 pm
What exactly do you mean by "8-bit versus 24-bit color problem"?

Ok, I'll try to explain what Rudy and Lynn said...

The image you have exported from UV mapper may have been saved as a 8-bit image. Images like this have smaller file size, but contain only 256 colors and therefore you cannot use all the colors when editing the image. You must first convert your image to RGB colors (24-bit) - I don't know how to do that in Gimp or MS Paint, but I'm sure it's possible...
Title: Re: Texturing Problem
Post by: Indian8or on December 27, 2008, 05:56:43 am
Just open the said image in MS Paint and then use "save as" option.  In the pulled down save as options, you can then save your file either in 16 color, 256 color or 24-bit bmp image.
Title: Re: Texturing Problem
Post by: Bobert on December 29, 2008, 11:59:26 pm
What exactly do you mean by "8-bit versus 24-bit color problem"?

Ok, I'll try to explain what Rudy and Lynn said...

The image you have exported from UV mapper may have been saved as a 8-bit image. Images like this have smaller file size, but contain only 256 colors and therefore you cannot use all the colors when editing the image. You must first convert your image to RGB colors (24-bit) - I don't know how to do that in Gimp or MS Paint, but I'm sure it's possible...

Hey I gave what you said a try and it worked like a charm! I turns out the texture map was saved as an 8-bit picture and converting it to RBG fixed all the colors. Thanks for everyone who posted. Now I can get back to texturing! :)