Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Setanta on January 24, 2008, 11:18:31 pm
This is my model of an R-34 Nissan Skyline GTR.
I made this about 2 years ago for a Gr.12 project along with a 5th Generation Honda Prelude (which went missing).
I originally had textures, additional objects (such as brake disks, calipers, interior, seats, etc.) but those went missing as well... I managed to dig this file out of a bunch of random unfinished projects so I'm guessing that this file was a backup before I began modelling the interior.
Anywho, the pictures are below... modelled and rendered in Anim8or. ( ( ( ( (
C&Cs would be appreciated =]
That looks like a great start.
I can't give any major crits right now, but I have some questions. First, do you plan on making this a subdivision object? Second, Could we see a wireframe?
wow! very cool indeed. i'm a lazy so-and-so and i've never even tried to model anything with that level of accuracy! ::) would be nice to see it with some textures and things put back on, of course, but that's still a really good model.
- colclough
hihosilver: Oh no, I never do subdivisions... I concentrate more on low-poly models since I'm getting into the game industry. I don't plan on working on this model anytime soon, as I stated above, it's just an old backup model that I happened to come across. I'll get some wireframe renderings done once I figure out how =/
If I still had the finished model then I'd be happy to show it. Although I DO have a demo reel of the finished model... I just need to figure out how to get it online through Youtube or something...
thecolclough: Thanks! Yeah... I might re-finish the model if I get the chance...
It's not that hard to model cars! Once you get the blueprints for the top, front, back and side views, you're good to go =]
Great Start!
yeah these are great
that's way better than my car model
maybe you could give us some tips
That is one great model.
Could you post an image with textures?
I really would like to see it.
it's really good!!, you used blueprints?
please, could you send them to me?
Dager: Check out this site, it's a great resource for car blueprints: (
to get a wireframe pic. just move press the wireframe button and press Print Screen normally located at the top right of a keyboard. Anim8or won't render wireframe.
than just go to your favorite pain program and paste it there save it and you have you wireframe.
well there is a way to get a fake wireframe, i'm not sure how accuraete it is, select all the faces and colour them black, then use the inset tool to shrink them a very small ammount inwards, now make all the new faces transparent, that should work, it's also a cool way to make a movie of a wireframe character
that a pretty good idea
Dager: Check out this site, it's a great resource for car blueprints: (
thanks hiho!
that's an awesome site. i can't believe i never found it before!
the cae looks great! i'd like to see it rendered with some materials.
Another method for fake wireframes is:
1. Select all edges
2. Use the bevel tool to the width you want the wires
3. Go "edit>select>invert selection" or simply press "i"
4. Delete selected faces
5. Apply a material and render away!
Very similar to the other version, only some minor differences (though one problem is that when setting faces to be transparent, you need to make sure that you change the specular to 0 as well, otherwise sometimes you'll get the glare from specular materials showing up.)
hihosiler; I used the method too but i found a way better one.
Just export as a .obj UVmap it so you got a wireframe map of your object. Import your mapped object in anim8or and attach the material you made. With a paint program inverse the map and at it as a trans. map with 100. This will make all the faces invisble and the edges will be black.
With this you don't 'screw up' your model by adding more faces and edges.
Real good model! :)
Your model looks great :)
I have always wanted to create a car though never found myself able enough, with the skill enough, to do it :(
i was wondering if i could use your model in my game im designing ? You would be credited for it :) also, sales made be distributed between all members of the design team ... so ... up 2 you
great model, though :)