Anim8or Community

General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: Raxx on December 15, 2008, 06:00:41 am

Title: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Raxx on December 15, 2008, 06:00:41 am
Located here you will find a complete listing of ASL scripts along with their descriptions, download, author, thumbnail/preview, and links. If you would like to submit your script(s) to this post, please click here ( to read more.

Note: If you own one of these scripts and do not wish for it to be listed and hosted here then let me know and I will take it down.
Title: Shape Scripts
Post by: Raxx on December 15, 2008, 06:01:35 am
Shape Scripts

Download (
3D PI Chart
Create any sized chunk of cylinder similar to a pie based on Divisions, Radius, Texture Scale, Start Angle, End Angle, and Depth.
Author: BOB_I_Ts (;u=62) [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
4 Wall
Basic frame shape that allows you to create a square-shaped "hole in the wall". You can adjust the Horizonal Scale, Vertical Scale, Depth, and the hole's offsets and sizes.
Author: BOB_I_Ts (;u=62) [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Advanced Plane
Creates a simple rectangular plane. You can change the width, height and the number of divisions.
Author: Vobla (;u=160)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Creates an archway block. You may define the width, height, length, divisions, ceiling depth, and angle.
Author: BOB_I_Ts (;u=62) [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Create a variety of cage shapes. You may specify the XYZ Size and Divisions, the thickness of the wire, and if it needs to be a single wall or a full cubic cage.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Cog Wheel shape. Many different parameters make for a large variety of cog wheels available.
Author: BOB_I_Ts (;u=62) [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Make diamonds of any shape and size with this plugin. You can change the general shape along with the size, crown and pavilion height, X-Z ratio, Corner size, and Culet size.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Instead of extruding splines along a spline path, this plugin allows you to extrude a mesh shape along a mesh path made out of points.
Author: Brian Heath (B_twist) (;u=10736)
Related Links: External Website ({91233F6A-64AD-433C-930F-4426210C992A})

Download (
An an8 version of MakeHuman, allowing you to easily create a variety of humanoid characters.
Author: Bob_I_Ts (;u=62)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Jet Engine Blades
A script that makes jet engine blades. Define the number of blades, height, width, center width, size, and inner & outer rotation.
Author: Monex (;u=295) [Website (]
Related Links: CG-Nation Blog (;blog=36;entry=431) | About Page (

Download (
Lets you create an L-shaped block or corner block. You can customize the Horizontal and Vertical Length and Width of each leg and the depth.
Author: BOB_I_Ts (;u=62) [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Creates a paraboloid shape. Lets you specify the size, height, and vertical and horizontal segments.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: CG-Nation Blog (;blog=28;entry=169)

Download (
N-Sided Polygon
Good replacement to the N-Gon tool if you're just looking to make an N-sided plane. Options for the number of sides and toggle a center division in the parameters.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: CG-Nation Blog (;blog=28;entry=169)

Download (
Random Terrain
Generate a randomly shaped terrain.
Author: Felipe Manga
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Ring shape
Simple and useful ring/pipe primitive.
Author: NickD (;u=776)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Roof (Triangular Prism)
Simple roof primitive in the form of a triangular prism. You may define the height, width, depth, and the offset of the peak.
Author: BOB_I_Ts (;u=62) [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Create a simple slope with the option to customize the height, length, and starting/ending width and scale.
Author: BOB_I_Ts (;u=62) [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Original spring shape by Steven Glanville. You may define the sides, diameter, offset, segments, cycles, and spread.
Author: Steve (;u=1) [Website (]
Related Links: Anim8or.Com Scripts Page (

Download (
Stair Shape
Easy way to make a staircase by defining the number of steps, length, height, and width. You can also specify if the stairs need a solid support or not.
Author: BOB_I_Ts (;u=62) [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Create a nice star . You can define the number of beams, radius, thickness and more parameters.
Author: Syziph
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Utah Teapot
The classic 3D teapot (
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Simple tetrahedron shape (3-sided pyramid).
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: CG-Nation Blog (;blog=28;entry=169)

Download (
Torus or donut, you call it!
Author: Tyson Collins [Website (]
Related Links: none

Download (
UV Block
Builds a cube with proper UV coordinates on all sides. If viewing from the front viewport you can adjust the UV scaling for all the sides when using the non-uniform scale tool.
Author: BOB_I_Ts (;u=62) [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Title: Command Scripts
Post by: Raxx on December 15, 2008, 06:02:53 am
Command Scripts

Download (
Add Edge Loop
More than just creating an edge loop based on an edge you select, it will try to deform it based on the surrounding mesh (make it contoured).
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Apply Selection
Select some points, store it, then apply that selection later on!
Author: Claude (;u=6)
Related Links:  (http://)

Download (
Boolean Operations
Create a wide variety of shapes easily using this plugin! Enables union, intersection and subtraction.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8) with the help of NickE (;u=399)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Complex Cleanup
This script will delete completely useless edges and points and it will select the points and edges you should edit to keep your mesh clean. If you want to make nice clean models, you should run this script everytime you finish a model (especially if you are a beginner...).
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Connect Points
Connect two points of the same face and split the face in two (a knife tool)
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Copy Faces
Do you need to duplicate a part of your mesh? You can use this tool. It does basically the same like the Detach Faces command, but the original shape is not changed.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links:

Download (
Deform Mesh
Deform a mesh based on strength, diversity, smoothness, seed, and refresh attributes.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Edge Spin
Just select an edge that splits a 4+ sided polygon and spin it!
Author: Claude (;u=6)
Related Links:  (http://)

Download (
Grow Point Selection
Select one or more points and this script will select the next nearest connected points to them.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Poly Reducer (Reduce Triangles)
Reduces a triangulated mesh anywhere between 1%-95% while preserving materials and UV Coords.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Reload Textures
Reloads all textures in your project.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Remove Edge Loop
Select an edge loop and this script will remove it, keeping the mesh intact.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Remove Useless
Removes useless points on an edge that don't serve any function. This usually occurs when merging faces.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Select Similar
Select one or more meshes, faces, edges, or points and this script will find similar structures and select them as well.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Set a point as the snap-to point, then snap any number of other points to it!
Author: Claude (;u=6)
Related Links:  (http://)

Download (
Triangulate Mesh
Creates a triangulated copy of a mesh.
Author: Claude (;u=6)
Related Links: Archived Forum Topic (

Download (
Two Point Distance
Finds the distance between 2 points.
Author: CobraSpectre (;u=20)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Universal Mirroring
Need to mirror several shapes at once? This plugin can do that. It can also mirror groups, subdivisions, parametric meshes, spheres and more...
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Unsubdivision Script
Have you ever permanently converted a subdivison object to mesh and wanted to convert it back, or picked up a previously subdivided mesh from someone else? Reverse it using this tool!
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Untriangulate Mesh
Untriangulates a triangulated mesh!
Author: NickE (;u=399)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Title: Export Scripts
Post by: Raxx on December 15, 2008, 06:09:44 am
Export Scripts

Download (
Exports the same C language data structures that Anim8or's built-in exporter does. Does not export animations.
Author: Steve (http://) [Website (]
Related Links: Scripts Page (

Download (
Celestia (.cmod)
Format for a popular space simulation program. Does not export animations.
Author: Selden (http://) [Website (]
Related Links: Celestia Website ( | Scripts Page ( | Archived Forum Topic (

Download (
Orbiter Mesh (.msh)
Exports to a format compatible with the Orbiter program
Author: Urwumpe [Website (]
Related Links: Orbit Hangar (

Download (
Roblox (.mesh)
Exports to the .mesh format compatible with a popular brick-based game. Does not export animations.
Author: Gamer3D [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic ( | Roblox Website (

Download (
STL (.stl)
Exports the basic triangulated models into a regular .stl file. Does not export animations.
Author: Raxx [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
VRML (.wrl)
Exports objects to the Virtual Reality Modelling Language.
Author: Paulo (;u=721) [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
WaveFront Object (.obj & .mtl)
Updated to include more material properties and multiple materials per mesh. Does not export animations.
Author: Steve (http://) [Website (]
Updated by: MrProtek (;u=15843)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
.X (by Raxx)
This is an updated .X exporter that is a mix of the best of the other .X exporters, and may be more compatible with your program of choice. Does not export animations.
Author: Raxx [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
.X (by Joe Cooning)
Exports to the popular DirectX/D3D format. Does not export animations.
Author: Joe Cooning ( [Website (]
Related Links: Archived Forum Topic (

Download (
.X (by zaidon)
Based on Joe Cooning's script, this version exports to the popular DirectX/D3D format but imitates the Conv3DS output structure. Does not export animations.
Author: zaidon ( [Website (]
Related Links: Archived Forum Topic (

Download (
.X (by Cranny76)
Exports to the popular DirectX/D3D format. Remarked to be a rough draft version. Does not export animations.
Author: Cranny76 ( [Website (http://)]
Related Links: Archived Forum Topic (

Download (
WRL (.x3d)
Exports to the .X3D file format. More info here (
Author: hermetic_cab (

Title: Third Party Tools
Post by: Raxx on December 15, 2008, 06:24:43 am
Third Party Tools

Download (
Ani2Lux v0.1a
Alpha version of a converter that allows you to export Anim8or scenes to the LuxRender file format.
Author: Dwsel (;u=1481) [Website (]
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Ani2Pov v0.92
Converts between several different file formats
Author: Texel (;u=32) [Website (]
Related Links: Ani2Pov Web Page ( | Mirror Download (

Download (
ASL Editor 3.5
Excellent development tool for ASL scripts.
Author: Kubajzz (;u=8)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

Download (
Converts a motion capture file (BVH) to Anim8or
Author: NickE (;u=399)
Related Links: Forum Topic (

So you want to submit a script? No problem! Just post a reply to this topic with as much information as possible in the following areas:

1. Script Name
2. Author Name
3. Download link
4. Description
5. Related links (points to one or more web pages that explain what the script is and/or how to use it)
6. (Optional but helpful) If it's a shape plugin, supply a 30x30 gif of the button like how the listing has it, and if it's a command script supply up to a 52x52 animated gif with transparent background showing it in action.

What's listed so far isn't everything but I'm working on it. Hopefully this will become a very, very, very long list ;)
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: headwax on December 15, 2008, 06:38:50 am
Thanks Raxx,

I'm starting to think you are a good bloke ;)
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: neirao on December 15, 2008, 10:37:08 am
I have all script,
however is very organized!
is very helpfull !

Congratulations!! ;)
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Kubajzz on December 15, 2008, 12:40:08 pm
Great job Raxx!

A well organized collection of all plugins is something I've always missed! Keep it up!

btw. I've just posted a new version of the PolyReducer plugin (, it now saves the materials and UV coords. Please update the list... Thanks!
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: hihosilver on December 15, 2008, 04:56:39 pm
Whoo man!  That is one good looking list right there.  The example images are beautiful as well.
It's also nice to see you still popping up around and making great contributions.
I hope to see this list grow nice and long.  In fact, I already think this should be a sticky!
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: RnDr FOX on December 15, 2008, 08:41:08 pm
Raxx you are my hero, the animations are great and the list will keep on growing.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Raxx on December 16, 2008, 04:03:03 am
I'm glad you guys like it. Special thanks goes to...all the scripters who made the scripts, of course ;)

Alright, I updated Kubajzz's entry and added the export scripts that I found. There may be one or two others laying around somewhere so if you come across any that's not on the list then let me know!
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Monex on December 25, 2008, 02:02:42 pm
Here is a shape script
1. Jet engine blades
2. Lasse Vork Borchert (Monex)
4. A script that makes jet engine blades.
6. Picture is attached
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Raxx on December 27, 2008, 07:56:28 am
Alright, as soon as I'm back from the holidays I'll put it up!
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Raxx on January 01, 2009, 11:56:16 am
Updated with Monex's shape script (with bug fix), thanks!
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: wedgehead on January 11, 2009, 12:17:03 am
The Remove Useless didn't work; there were four errors, two of which were listed as syntax.  Sorry I couldn't fix it myself - it would be nice to have. (I'm using Vista, but didn't have any problems before. Anyone else try this script yet?)
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Kubajzz on January 11, 2009, 04:26:50 am
What version of Anim8or do you use? I couldn't reproduce your problem... The script will only work fine on v0.97c or later and it won't load if you're using an older version... (well, it will load on v0.97b, but it may not work correctly).

Anyway, I tried to dive into the code to find a possible bug and I fixed several details, but I couldn't find anything that would cause the script to fail. This was one of the first scripts I have written and if I made it now, it would be much shorter and less messy. I'm thinking of rewriting it from scratch if the problems keep on appearing...

Here's new version of the script, let me know how it works.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: wedgehead on January 12, 2009, 10:46:40 pm
Hmmm. I'm still getting errors, even with the new script. I'm going to download a fresh copy of Anim8or. I also had problems with the polyreducer script.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: wedgehead on January 12, 2009, 10:54:26 pm
No luck. It may be my computer. I had a problem with DX studio earlier. It sent in a bug report. If it's working okay on a 32 bit Vista OS, then my OS may be at fault.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Boywonda1 on January 14, 2009, 04:38:39 pm
The Remove useless isn't working for me either :'(,and likewise i am running on Vista :o.
But if really need to use this script i think the Complex mesh cleanup script(find attatched) ;D does the same.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: wedgehead on January 14, 2009, 05:23:26 pm
Thnx. I'm going to go try it now.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Claude on February 20, 2009, 11:07:01 pm
A new one,EdgeSpin and 2 old ones still
usefull,I think.
Details in the README files.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Claude on March 29, 2009, 02:03:25 pm
A new one,EdgeSpin and 2 old ones still
usefull,I think.
Details in the README files.

Any reasons why they weren't  added?

Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Raxx on March 29, 2009, 03:49:22 pm
A new one,EdgeSpin and 2 old ones still
usefull,I think.
Details in the README files.

Any reasons why they weren't  added?


Aside from you needing to remind me, it'd be easier on me if you guys provide the stuff I mentioned in this post ( that I don't have to run around looking for related links and such.

Scripts added. Let me know if there's a forum topic or something that you would like added to the related links, Claude.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Claude on March 29, 2009, 11:47:25 pm
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: vobla on June 24, 2009, 12:12:24 pm
Advanced Plane Plugin

Author: Vobla


Description: Plugin is more advances than built-in plane plugin: you can devide it to segments;

+Parameters added allowing non uniform scaling, tnx BOB_I_Ts
+ Plane is facing up the Y axis;
+ Texture coords are counted well, tnx Claude;
+ Drawn points are reused;
+ Icon updated;
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Jdez on June 25, 2009, 08:38:47 pm
I was working on something like that! except I couldn't figure out how to divide it into segments and only added non-uniform scaling. Still It was pretty good for a Noob like me...
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: kreator on June 30, 2009, 04:34:43 am
Neiro has sent me a PM regards one of the Plugins that is on my GUI

I think It was one of Kubajzz`s creations but I can`t remember  anyway here it is below....
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: neirao on June 30, 2009, 10:38:42 am
Thanks so much Kreator!! :D

i loved the star script!!

Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Kubajzz on July 05, 2009, 07:06:09 am
Advanced Plane Plugin

Author: Vobla


Description: Plugin is more advances than built-in plane plugin: you can devide it to segments;

+Parameters added allowing non uniform scaling, tnx BOB_I_Ts
+ Plane is facing up the Y axis;
+ Texture coords are counted well, tnx Claude;
+ Drawn points are reused;
+ Icon updated;

Added to the list!

Neiro has sent me a PM regards one of the Plugins that is on my GUI

I think It was one of Kubajzz`s creations but I can`t remember  anyway here it is below....

No, actually this script was created by Syziph long before I learned ASL ;D Never mind, I added it to the list. Thanks for posting it!
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Now3r3 on August 01, 2009, 03:55:23 am do i use the Shape Scripts. I loaded them into Anim8or and added a cylinder and i want to make it into the spring. But the script wont work because when i hit run script and select it it says "Parametric mesh plug-in scripts can not be run from menu." What's going on?
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Kubajzz on August 01, 2009, 05:04:41 am
This is not how shape scripts work...

Do the following to install a shape script:

Now you should see several extra buttons in the left pannel (right under the "sphere", "cylinder", "cube" etc. buttons). Each of the new buttons represents one of the shape scripts you have installed. Click the button and create a shape just like you would create a sphere.

You can double-click the newly created shape to edit its parameters... And that's all :)
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on August 02, 2009, 12:09:54 am
Ah, you're clicking Scripts>>Load Script.

What you need to do is take your script file you want to use, and create a folder anywhere on your computer, and go to Anim8or File>>Configure And then click >>Plugins/Scripts (or whatever) directory and select the folder you created for scripts. (If you've done this already, then never mind)

Then take your file and move it to the new folder.

Restart Anim8or.

As for a spring script, Steve made one, it's on the main site. ;)
Hope I've helped,
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Gringo on January 11, 2010, 01:27:50 pm
Hi everyone!

Just wondering if it is possible to change the way my scene loops in anim8or? By that I mean that I have two Figures in my scene and they are identical in every respect except that one Figure must have a few frames at the beginning that are not in the other. After these first frames are played I want to simply loop both Figures identically from there on... If I use Anim8or's built in looping option it goes back to the first frames on every loop. I want to run those first frames once and loop the remainder. Can I do this with a script and can anyone show me how... I'm not a coder so I don't have a clue
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Kubajzz on January 11, 2010, 01:42:03 pm
If you want your figures to do the same movement repeatedly, I recommend creating a sequence: (

ASL scripts in the scene mode are very limited in the current version of Anim8or, it's not possible to animate a figure using a script.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Paulo on January 31, 2010, 01:04:18 pm
Hi ! I created a VRML exporter for Anim8or :)

The informations :

1. VRML exporter
2. Paulo
4. Export in VRML format (web 3D format)
5. Forum topic :
6. Attachment

Thank you !  :)
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Kubajzz on January 31, 2010, 04:11:08 pm
Added to the database! Thanks for posting it ;)
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: freesailor on October 09, 2010, 11:57:47 pm
so here's a script for a roof:
1. it can draw a hip roof, or a gable roof, or a dutch gable roof.
2. pitch, fascia, and barge rafter sizes are parameters, along with length and width.
3. dutch gables can be placed anywhere between the building wall and the roof peak.
4. I also have written a program that will make a script from a model... in perl.. if anyone would like it, let me know..
it only works if the model is a single mesh, and doesn't keep the texcoords, either(was getting a little burned out on it:)),
but it will work on fairly complicated meshes (I tried it on a mesh with 125,000 faces...heh... took a while but copied the model perfectly.)
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: neirao on October 10, 2010, 08:33:44 pm
cool roofs script!! :)

be good too, if create other "types" of roofs generation,
because this create only "roofs AMERICAN", right?


Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: kreator on October 11, 2010, 01:42:00 am
yeah, good script freesailor, couple of the params are disabled I notice though, will they be enabled at some stage?
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: freesailor on October 11, 2010, 03:13:33 am
hmmmm, tnx to both of you for taking the time to check it out..........
first for Neirao... I'm not exactly sure if you mean things like dormers and such... you could build these with the same script and another mesh to form the walls.... but maybe I'll try to use some attributes to do it automatically, if thats possible.

and Kreator, those disabled params are for rafter tail centers and extra was for removing the ceiling, but I wasn't happy with the way the rafters worked out, so I removed them... then I wrote another script that draws just the framing for the roof to work out how to add the rafters to the first script... will update roofs.an8 soon and repost it if you're wanting to use it for whatever... if you are into drawing houses, you might like my windows script, its got some pretty cool features like variable number of stiles and mulliens, etc... and you can combine two or more windows to make fairly intricate compound windows... let me know
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: neirao on October 11, 2010, 10:47:45 am
Hi freesailor,  :)

i try say then theres other types of roofs:

AMERICAN ROOF(your script mader!)




i think is good if script can generate "Countrys types of Roofs"! :D


Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: kreator on October 11, 2010, 05:45:51 pm
Would be nice if you could have adjustable bargeboards and soffits on the roof, at the moment I just pull out the faces for the soffits.

Will try out the windows script shortly
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: kreator on October 12, 2010, 03:08:00 am
Just checked out the windows script ... nice... can the thickness for the mullions and Stiles be made adjustable, if the thickness of the main frame is increased then the stiles and mullions look way out of proportion. Some of the other parameters do not seem to work, so I assume these are in progress?

Just a word of advice: It might be helpful if you "annote" some of the paramaters in the script itself as to how they function to help those new users who need to know what they do...NickE is usually good at doing this 
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: freesailor on October 13, 2010, 02:23:58 am
thanks for the advice... it would seem that I released these scripts a little prematurely, but I needed some encouragement to continue with their development... getting a little burned out with ASL... it hasn't got enough instructions to write really elegant code... needs user defined functions, or subroutines at least (Steve?!?). sooooo... if you change the code in roofs.a8s parameters from:   #parameter("16\"o.c. or 24\"o.c.", int, 0, 0, 0);
to:                      #parameter("Rafter Centers", int, 24, 0, 24);
and add this code at the end just before $roof:Close();:
Code: [Select]
if (parameter("Rafter Centers") == 0 && parameter("Gables %") <100)
$roof.OpenFace(0,4);                 /*          soffits                                */
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint(($lx/2, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, $wz/2)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint((-$lx/2, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, $wz/2)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint((-$lx/2-$overhang, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, $wz/2+$overhang)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint(($lx/2+$overhang, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, $wz/2+$overhang)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint(($lx/2, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, $wz/2)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint(($lx/2+$overhang, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, $wz/2+$overhang)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint(($lx/2+$overhang, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, -$wz/2-$overhang)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint(($lx/2, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, -$wz/2)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint(($lx/2, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, -$wz/2)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint(($lx/2+$overhang, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, -$wz/2-$overhang)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint((-$lx/2-$overhang, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, -$wz/2-$overhang)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint((-$lx/2, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, -$wz/2)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint((-$lx/2, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, $wz/2)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint((-$lx/2, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, -$wz/2)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint((-$lx/2-$overhang, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, -$wz/2-$overhang)));
$roof.VertexN($roof.AddPoint((-$lx/2-$overhang, $tail_height-$fascia+0.06944, $wz/2+$overhang)));
it will add soffits on roofs with hips if #parameter("Rafter Centers", int, 24, 0, 24); is zero.
I also added code to make adjustable barge rafters( I assume you mean the gable overhang here), but ran into a little problem with the code and am still considering ways to correct it.
One problem I have with soffits and such is that I live in Hawaii, and this type of construction is rare(only multi_million mansions have, so I have very little experience with their actual layout... I have built some houses with soffits, but they had str8 gable roofs with no overhang... not sure how to construct the junction of gable overhang and soffit... pictures would be of great help... I believe that UK construction practices a lot of this type of stuff...

windows.a8s: the only parameter that doesn't work is "Double Hung", I'm still pondering that one....
but the stiles and mulliens size can be changed... the point2 array $dim holds a variety of sizes for the window.. guess I shoulda commented that one a little better... anyway $dim[2].x & $dim[2].y hold the sizes of the stiles and mulliens... default is 5/4... all the sizes in $dim[] are commented, so you can change them if you want, although I'm trying to make all these scripts produce structurally correct drawings, so adjusting the sizes should be done with that in mind.... i.e. if your wall happens to be built of 2x6's it shouldn't be necessary to change the stile size to keep everything proportional(I think?!?) It would be nice if there were more parameters available, then i could include all dimensions there.
Anyway, your interest encourages me to continue with these scripts, thank you for the words of advice, and i will post any major changes to either script as I make them.

Oh, and for Neirao: It wasn' my intention to make a script that would create any roof possible, this would be difficult if not impossible... what I trying to provide is a tool with which one can use to create a variety of basic roofs quickly... attached is an example of one that took me about 20 minutes(how does one put images in the body of a post, anyway?????Grrr)

Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: kreator on October 13, 2010, 03:19:31 am
Yeah that looks good, for placing images into post use an external url to post the image then use the img bbc code

Code: [Select]
[img] [/img]
then you should have no problem,keep going with the scripts they add to anim8ors functionality and help other not so adept users in contstructing

Im in the Uk btw so soffits and bargeboards are part and parcel of building construction.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on October 13, 2010, 02:50:01 pm
Freesailor: Is that image you attached using the windows script and the roof script? Nice, if so.

Still nice, if not. :P

I'm going to try those two out soon.. ^^
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: freesailor on October 14, 2010, 10:18:01 pm
3Dgeek11: yup! as i wrote, it took about 20 minutes(but I crashed anim8or twice, shoulda taken less, and I also have a walls script that i used for the dormer walls.....

After accessing the two scripts, I have decided to rewrite both, with much more comments, and I'll try to make them more understandable(sp? is that a word?) to the layman... the windows script is especially convoluted, a result of limited number of code instructions .

Kreator: i have written new code for soffits, but as i said, I have VERY limited access to buildings with that type of eave treatment.... so far, 3 options for the soffit/barge junction... if you could post pictures of samples, or direct me to a web site that has such samples, I'd appreciate it, as I could include more options now, rather then later...


oops! almost forgot... I need textures for building exteriors... willing to  buy if I can get a large variety of textures.... does anybody know where i can find these??? tnx...
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: kreator on October 15, 2010, 01:46:05 am
try here....

Ill get some drawings together for you..regards UK Buildings etc
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: captaindrewi on October 15, 2010, 06:56:58 am
great work! script improovements on the way too.....'mazin.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: freesailor on October 15, 2010, 04:41:14 pm
Kreator: here are the styles of soffit/barge junctions I have so far... just so ya don't duplicate
option 0 is the only type I have actually built...
option 1 was an obvious alternate... and a search on the www resulted with this one as the most used?!?
option 2 is a treatment I saw in a movie recently...

freesailor here's an image of rafters on 24" and 16" centers...
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: kreator on October 16, 2010, 10:56:08 am
The Option1 may be the way to go here,

I am going to have ago at finishing off my local pier (Since it got burn`t down the other week!!) so I had a walk along the seafront today and took some shots of the Seafront buildings which may interest you.

I will be posting these to my Animanon site in the media tab;refferedby=1
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: freesailor on November 23, 2010, 12:35:44 am
soooo.... i decided to use my new trigonometry knowledge to learn how to draw a circle with ASL... didn't take as long as expected, but for some reason my wheels turn to a bunch of ovals when i convert to subdivision...???...
anyway, now that i have circles, i decided i should use them in some for stairs sounded good... so here's a bunch of scripts for drawing stairs...
1. stairs.an8: draws three styles of stairs(4 if ya count two types of framing...).. fully adjustable for height and run... complete(sorta)                    instructions are in the file...
2. landing.an8: figured it would be nice to have the ability to have landings on your staircase, so her's a script to draw them... the landing will replace one step in the stairway...
3. banister1.an8 & banister2.an8: course, stairs need banisters to be so here's two styles... they aren't really parametric shapes, cause they aren't adjustable at all... they only fit the default stairway....

new: after realizing that the second banister was being drawn way out of place, I finally figured out how to move to close to the pointer... so I'm changing the attachment to the new plug-in...sorry for the hassle
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: freesailor on November 23, 2010, 12:57:37 am
and here's an updated roofs script... it draws gable roofs with or without two styles of soffits... full rafters if ya need'em.. and three options for interior ceilings... i'll have to start another script for hip and dutch gable roofs...

oops! forgot to comment out:  $full = 1; you should do this(comment out:/*$full = 1;*/) and use the attribute to trigger them..
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: freesailor on November 23, 2010, 01:00:32 am
hmmmm... guess i should send the button images for the stairs too...
here they are...
many thanks to tyson collins for his plugicon program
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: freesailor on November 24, 2010, 02:09:30 am
couple of images of stairs....
and a cottage in my 3d game...
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Tof on February 02, 2011, 07:41:14 am
my first try on writing a script...
1. csv_export_plugin_0_1_7. Tof
4. Export to OpenBVE .csv object
5. Read me included
It works now but there are a few thing I don't understand...
Why is the result very bad if I don't first go to Lithunwrap and triangulate my model there?
And why was my model inverted? (I have to switch Y and Z vertex coordinate to get something correct) --> Fixed in V0.1.6, the Z-Axis is different in csv (just to invert it!)
Why was my texture inverted? (only in Y Axis, I invert it too) ???
If somebody can take a look and explane :D

Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Raxx on February 23, 2011, 09:58:33 pm
Sorry, been a while since I went ASL'ing ;)

I'll update the lists as soon as I get the chance, thanks for posting the scripts here!
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: daniel99 on March 26, 2011, 05:24:12 pm
I am very curious is someone could try to create a scrip that allows camera position&animation to be exported and imported. That would be freakin' usefull. At my work I also use AE for compositing, and sometimes would be helpfull to be able to export the camera animation and then import it to Ae.

If someone could do such a script, please let me know.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: floyd86 on March 27, 2011, 07:02:55 am
I am very curious is someone could try to create a scrip that allows camera position&animation to be exported and imported. That would be freakin' usefull. At my work I also use AE for compositing, and sometimes would be helpfull to be able to export the camera animation and then import it to Ae.

If someone could do such a script, please let me know.

That would be a helpfull tool indeed. You will have to export the anim8or camera to a .fbx camera file. I don't know if thats possible since anim8or doesn't have an fbx exporter...
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: lppena on May 24, 2012, 12:39:25 pm
This is an updated Raxx X exporter. I modified the script to add a top level frame to the X model so that all model parts are linked under a top level frame. Use this X script if you expereience line errors in your X model. Leroy.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: lppena on May 25, 2012, 06:00:21 am
Hey folks I found this .MSH Orbiter script on the web and thought I'd post it for you all. Haven't tried it yet though. Hope some one can use it. Leroy.

FYI: Here's the web link to where I found the Anim8or MSH script

Here's a link to a open gl orbiter mesh viewer.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: lppena on May 28, 2012, 12:11:52 pm
I found another export script and wanted to share it with you all. It appareently outputs a crude form of the IMVU XMF format similar to the existing C format exporter. Hope someone has some use for it. Leroy.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: lppena on May 28, 2012, 12:28:56 pm
Here's 10 Anim8or scripts for RCT3. Don't really know anything about them, but posted them anyways. Leroy. Oops: I guess I forgot to mention that they are for the Sims videogame.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: lppena on May 31, 2012, 12:22:02 pm
I found this Torque DTS exporter, but it looks like it's a WIP still. Thought I'd post it anyways for those of you who may find it of use or would like to modify the script to improve it.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: lppena on June 16, 2012, 08:44:21 pm
Here's an X3D/XML version 1 exporter script and a free X3D viewer to rotate your models in 3D space. Download it @ SourceForge ( PS: I don't see the texture that I put on the model. I tries copying the texture to the same folder but still no luck. Any suggestions on what to try? Thanks, Leroy.

PS: I really like the 3D model viewable formats like X3D and VRML. It really seems like an awesome way to see models as aposed to just in the Anim8or workspace. The viewer is also able to open VRML model files as welland seems to work well with the VRML and X3D model exporters that Anim8or supports.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: B_twist on July 27, 2012, 10:56:19 pm
Raxx,  I have started my own extrusion plugin for point meshes.  A controll freak like me likes to use the knife and fix meshes prior to extruding them.
  A preliminary test program and readme file are available at: 1. E_track
2. Brian Heath (B_twist)
OR follow root to 'club photos'  then to 'Anim8ion' folder. 
4. A script to extruded meshes. See readme file for directions.
5. The files are on a sharepoint website until the admins say otherwise. 
6. will add the 30x30 jpg to next post
  Many debug print statements are still in this 'inwork' code. (slightly user brutal.)
I'm looking for peer review and to make how much more programming is desired before final release to the general Anim8or community. 
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: lppena on July 29, 2012, 12:25:49 pm
I found this export script for the Trinity format and thought I'd post it for perhaps more information and just in case someone had a a use for it. Leroy.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: B_twist on August 03, 2012, 12:57:55 pm
Plugin for extruding point meshes is ready for peer review testing.  zip file contains the readme file and plugin. 
Program: E_track
Author: Brian Heath (B_twist)
Description:  Extrusion program to make a shape from meshes made with the POINT editor.
Both profile and path mesh must be point meshes.  See readme file.
Testing as been sucessfull for paths in the XY plane and YZ pllane.  Profile mesh must be made in the XY-plane. 

Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: lppena on August 04, 2012, 06:42:51 am
Cool, when you have time upload it to the script data base.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Thanos on October 11, 2012, 11:07:03 am
I was looking for the plane plugin, but it's not in the list, could you please add it?
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: kreator on October 15, 2012, 08:09:05 am
Advanced Plane is in the list, Perlin Plane is not, all my plugins including some that are not on the list are here.. (

Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Thanos on October 17, 2012, 05:47:01 pm
Oh my blindness, "Advanced Plane" now I see it. Thanks :)
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Raxx on December 18, 2012, 02:12:59 pm
Updated the database a bit, added third party tools as well. If you see that something needs to be in there, let me know.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: polyGon_tError on December 21, 2013, 09:44:57 am
Raxx: i wish following Script to be listed here ( and a Link to my Post if possible ):

Description - Name of the Script.
* Alternate Face Select (Selective)   -AlterFace_Ex.a8s
* Group Point/Vertex Slide (interactive)   -GroupSlide.a8s
* Split a Point/Vertex   -SplitPoint.a8s
* Merge Edge together   -EdgeMerge.a8s
* Stabilize/Smooth Seam/Edge-Line/Joint/Loop   -StabilizeSeam.a8s
* turn Mesh into Rhombic Form   -RhombicForm.a8s
* turn Mesh into Grille/Lattice-like Form (auto)   -FormGrille_Ex.a8s
* find Edge Ring Around Selection   -EdgeRing.a8s
* find Face By Edge   -EdgeFace.a8s
* Snap Point/Vertex by Average   -SnapAvg.a8s
* find Edge loop around Selection   -EdgeBorder_Ex.a8s
* find Edge Loop around Face Group   -FaceBorder.a8s
* Swap two Object Location/Rotation   -SwapObject.a8s

*recently NickE posted his 'Boolean Mesh' Script in 'Feature Request Thread', it is working great, please add it as well, thank you.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: TheBlackHole on February 10, 2014, 07:36:23 pm
The links are broken. :(
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Raxx on February 10, 2014, 08:57:51 pm
Sorry, seems my webhost is slackin'. Working on it.

[edit]I should mention that the related links under nearly every script should still work, for the most part.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: GATTISNEW on August 10, 2014, 08:10:09 am
The link for the ring script  is broken :'(
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Raxx on August 12, 2014, 12:06:09 pm
If any of the links are down, send me a message. I had to reboot the server, should be A-okay now.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: kakachiex on October 22, 2014, 11:38:56 am
hello Raxx would be nice to have scrip pack download link, like modeling pack, shape, render etc... it is weird to download all individual would be good to have this option over every category.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: polyGon_tError on March 13, 2015, 11:41:08 am
Hello Raxx,
why don't you add my modeling tool set here or atleast mention it here, though some of them get replaced by new function of anim8or and i am happy with that but what about other?
Title: Plane Stand-up : Plugin
Post by: neirao on March 14, 2015, 03:03:19 pm
hi guys
years ago i change the "Plane Primitive Plug-in / Tyson Collins" 
and create this simple plugin:
Tela(screen) is a "Plane Stand-up!"

only now i remember to share :)

is simple but for me is very helpfull!

Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Raxx on March 17, 2015, 04:54:41 pm
Hello Raxx,
why don't you add my modeling tool set here or atleast mention it here, though some of them get replaced by new function of anim8or and i am happy with that but what about other?

I won't add anyone's scripts to the list, there's a character limit to how much you can put in one post and I've already reached it. I intend to put everything on An8Hub when it's complete, and then simply link to that website since it'll have a much more sophisticated library of resources. It's not just you I'm ignoring. I haven't updated the list in more than two years.

That being said, please continue to post your scripts as replies to this topic or in their own topics in this board, so that I can publish them on An8Hub when it's time.

Thank you.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: texastuner on May 16, 2017, 05:08:52 pm
How would one write a controller script that would randomly position an object (x,y,and or z) per frame. Have tried for 2 days and got nowhere but a lot of crashing. If not proper forum please direct me to proper forum
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Steve on May 16, 2017, 08:48:20 pm
Use the randseed() and frand() functions in a position controller script. The random number generator always starts with the same random when a script is run. This insures repeatability. Otherwise each time the same frame was drawn it would be different.

// Set position to a random position based on frame number.
float $x, $y, $z;

$x = frand()*100.0;
$y = frand()*50.0 + 50.0;
$z = frand()*100.0;

$position = ($x, $y, $z);

So in this script I initialize the pseudo-random number generator with the frame number as it's seed. Then I call it 3 times for each if the x, y and z components of it's location, and scale them to make the object jump about quite radically.

I've also attached a simple project.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: texastuner on May 17, 2017, 06:01:47 pm
WOW talkin about a duh moment times 2 days. How did i forget randseed. Again Steve u r awesome bro thx for all your hard work and help
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Punth on January 11, 2019, 03:31:34 pm
Most scripts in many links do not work now. Could any one update them to Google Drive and share them, please?
I would like to get this two scripts as follows. Also it is possible that F8ce can be updated as a new version as possible.

Boolean Operations
Create a wide variety of shapes easily using this plugin! Enables union, intersection and subtraction.
Author: Kubajzz with the help of NickE

An an8 version of MakeHuman, allowing you to easily create a variety of humanoid characters.
Author: Bob_I_Ts
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Raxx on January 12, 2019, 06:14:32 pm
@Punth I'm consolidating my domains and hosting. The links should now work.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: hf003 on January 24, 2020, 06:30:55 pm
Just so you know, the links to most scripts in the database do not work. They redirect to a Wordpress error page.
Some website links are broken as well.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: Raxx on January 30, 2020, 03:17:26 pm
Thanks for reporting. The hosted scripts now work. As for other website links, let me know which ones are broken and I'll remove them.
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: polyGon_tError on April 03, 2020, 06:02:46 am
Where? :|
Title: Re: ASL Scripts Database
Post by: 2020 Hindsight on November 13, 2020, 04:26:04 pm
1. Script Name: "Waves"
2. Author Name: "John Doggett" aka "2020 Hindsight"
3. Download link:,6025.0.html
4. Description: "A script to simulate waves on water."
5. Related links: N/A. The script is documented in the post linked in 3.