Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Dreadkb on November 28, 2008, 02:56:27 am
Working on a project where a couple of characters will be in a sword fight. One of them will be using a katana, the other will use a "high sword low axe" style (longsword/francis axe combo) Once I make the axe I will post it too. I don't plan on getting a real close-up of either one, so I don't need great detail.
I used to do a lot of animating. Trying to get back into the swing of things. Any C&C would be greatly appreciated.
Looking at this render of the longsword, I think I'll name it "Angel of Death".
I like ths samarai styled sword.
I think an environ map or a reflection on the blade would go a long way. Not to mention spec and adjusting some other parameters to make it look like metal. :) Looking forward to the avi.
I do prefer the simple style of the katana over the other one, but it will be nice to see both in the video. Apart from the material appearance that can be improved following headwax's advices, I would make the second sword's blade a bit larger, it would make it look stronger, but that's matter of tastes.
Well done, I look forward for the next renders Dreadkb.