Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Irv on November 11, 2008, 04:32:36 am
could someone tell me if when you open the attached zip file
and then open the .an8 are the enviroment maps loaded or
do you have to load them after you open the .an8 (
Thingie's and it's not even class reflective yet. that's how far
behind i am
The Env Maps are there Irv ..... very nice!
thanks!! but are they applyed to the mesh when you open it or do
you have to go to texture box.
I was wandering cause my textures are all
seperate file when the an8 is created and I was wandering if i should
create the an8 with the textures in the same file that is to be ziped
but that's good that their Thank's
they are applied to the mesh when you open the file!
I could watch that for hours... :o not reflective?
Thanks Kreator!
3D Joe Wiltshire I think I do Two
This is really cool and a great idea.
But then you have more very nice work on your web site, I particularly like your delicate blue flower. :)