Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Mactetra on November 07, 2008, 08:51:37 am
not sure if this is the right place to ask, but anyway...
my school librarian asked me (because i have been stoping by from time to time, asking for books about 3D-modeling etc.) if i could give her the titles for some books, and the library would buy them.
so, do you guys know any good books about 3d modeling, texturing and animating? I have seen some, but they have been very old, and not werry helpful.
hoping for replies :)
- --> the book shop of 3dtotal. I have no idea which are good/interresting and which are not. But maybe you find something in your/your school's interrest.
Here's a good looking one on Amazon
It looks like it covers everything from sketching out the design to modeling and texturing.
There is a really good one about making facial expresions but I can't remember what it's called. Making Faces, or something like that.
Perhaps OpenGL's big red book. It has a different focus (a lot more on the theory and programmng side than modelling itself), but would be very useful to some people.
I would also recommend some classics in art if they don't already have them. Remember art is the basis of 3d, whether you're into character modeling, animation or architecture, it's all relevant.
One of the biggest classics is Drawing from the right side of the brain ( Though your library may already hold it.
get the essential blender book, u can get it off amazon easily and its an awesome book!
maybe i should right a book. Drawing (from) the Z Portion of the brain
Poser , lightwave and 3dsmax may have some good reading