Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: onespirit5777 on October 31, 2008, 05:43:30 pm
I have some things that I want to add before I render a AA64. This one was done at AA16. The mountain and water scene was done in Terragen.
I have to turn down the bump map on the floor and the celling looks more like a wall and the graininess will go away when I render at the higher AA64.
Still have a lot of work to do. I'm thinking of putting some spiral stairs in.
Nice idea to build on, but take care that the pillar's shadow fits with the apparent sun position, as well as any other shadow, of course. If that were possible, I'll try to eliminate the reflections from the tiny space between the floor's tiles (the filler is rarely reflective). I'd like to see more landscape too. Have good work developing the project.
That is what I working as far as the filler between the tiles, grout has no reflection and I'll see what I can do to show more background. The shadow from the sun was one of the first things I worked on, but I moved a few things and for got to pay attention do detail.
Thank you!
Up date - but still have a ways to go
I liked the first render more then the second. The second has to much stuff in it that ruins the scene. The pillars and lamps doesn't fit in. The first has better shading and is minimalistic: no unnessary objects. I would stick to the first one and go on from there.
Let me know guys what you would like to see.
The AA was set to 4 - When I'm done with all the touch up it will be set to 64 for the final render
That's what i mean. Nice shading, good use of textures. Only the mirror on the wall doesn't seem to fit in, to my opinion. Maybe a simple wall with a painting hanging, or something like that.
I'm not happy with the celling
It's really nice that we can ask you the changes to make, thank you Onespirit.
Here are my thoughts - I see that you take the comments in the good way so I'll tell it straight.
I don't like the contrast between the indoor and outdoor colors, the outdoor looks very realistic, with that touch of haze in the balcony that recalls the dawn or the twilight. On the contrary the indoors are crystal clear and shiny... that punches my eye.
The small opening in the balcony's wall makes me think that either the passage is too narrow or the tiles on the floor are simply huge. I would make that opening a bit wider, making the tiles a bit smaller. Eventually you could think about arranging the tiles in a diagonal manner, have a shot at it to see the effect.
One thing I like very much in your renders are the multifaceted mirrors at the walls. Have you tried displacing a bit each mirror, so that the overall reflection gets a bit messed up like a mosaic? that could be a nice addon too. Try also making those mirror tiles a bit larger.
I'd like to add a couple more of ideas, I think I'll post them after the dinner. Hope you like the suggestions so far.
Keep on, you're working on very nice stills.
To my eye it looks perfect, i'd love a screensaver of that, basic fog in the distance, and possibly a bird flying in the background occasionally... very peaceful, i imagine it as near the sea... with the calm washing sounds...
To me at the moment, the tiles remind me of a public swimming pool...
a very classy swimming pool, but a swimming pool none the less.
Great work, I love your stills, have you seen 'The Still Room' Forum on animanon?
I'll have to check it out - thanks
Update - Yea I just had to go a little abstract with it. I also change the background by creating another landscape in Teragen. The other pic made seem as if you were looking down too much, it looked OK, but that wasn't the look I was going for and it was too dark. Still not done yet, I have to work on the lighting on the inside a bit more.
Not sure I can do more with the lighting - Trying to put some extra light in the room that would come off the water in a real world scene. I'm going to try one more approach and that will have to do.
I think this is it
Personally I have to say I liked the colors of the other renders much more. I felt the sunset images were definitely headed in the right direction.
The third image you posted was my favorite, of course it could still use work, but I think the newer updates are a downgrade in image quality personally, just because of the lighting and feel of the scene. It feels too bland now.
I have to agree with hiho here. That last image looks good, i like the shading. But i personally think the third image was the best of all. Ofcourse it can use some work, but i liked that one the best.
I agree, I liked the third image best as well! There's noticeable tiling for the floor (yes it's tiles but they're all the same pattern), and I think it's too mirror-heavy on the side walls but I like the whole feel to it a lot more than the last.
Lighting can use some improvement. and don't care for that cieling tile. Looks artifical to me somehow... maybe too much specular or too much bump..... maybe both. Most cielings and walls don't have any real specular or shine.
At least one light should serve as "ray bounce" off the floor and/or walls. a value betweem white and gray is common . but using the color of the object will work also.
Oh, and for the ray bounce. don't include shadows.
I put some spiral stairs and made a few changes - If I can get the stairs to look more real - I might leave them in - Not sure I want them in there.
The stairs will need a banister going up the side, I would ude the extrude along path ability for this feat.
Mabe subtly reflective walls with a dark tile.
I had a glass one but the shadowing didn't do right so I just took it out and made it a little abstract.