Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: neodelito on October 26, 2008, 06:01:11 pm
Hi guis this is an hipotetic encounter...
This scene is live in Chiloe Island..
This is the scene i make in anim8or.
Sweet. Will you be animating this?
That would be epic!
Wow! I love it! You've really caught the action... i agree, an animation would be epic
i cant beleive it!.
I have never seen this layered image method.I think the water dripping off is what made the image.
Really well done, I like it very much.
Why don't you add some more water to TenTen-Vilu's back?
That's really the only missing spot for a perfect realism, I'm sure you can add it in seconds.
Really really good! Keep it up, man!
I only have one crit... Why is the image so small, i want to enjoy this in full scale. Great scene, i really love the water effects you added, you can hardly tell this is a 3d image: It looks like a great painting!
This.Is.Amazing. :o keep it up great work
Thanks for comments, i try to make more bigger image. Now i try to animate them..
same models diferen angle..
Amazing, Brill-E-Ant!!
Best work i've seen in ages!
Fantastic. I'm going to set this last render of yours as my desktop background Neodelito. That's too cool!
Awesome! I love your compositions of the image. Wonderful job!
:o :o :o that·is·AMAZING
Fantastic! Best anim8or work I have ever seen neodelito, I am gonna set that as my desktop background ASAP!
Good work and happy anim8ing :-)
Amazing neo! Your composition really is good. The effects you've added really bring it to life. And the textures look great! This should be on a magazine cover. (or at least a comic book) ;)
What about Dotan8?
Very cool. What mapper you using? cause them textures are sweet
i not use a special mapper for texture . . only i use anim8or uv... and paint in alias sketchbook ( sorry my inglish)
UV only? you sure? ???
Falloffalot: I hardly use an other tool/program then the build in UV tool in anim8or. It's better then many people think.
neodelito: I like your final scene, it's one of the best i have ever seen in anim8or. Especially the post effects make it what it is: great!
Here you can download..
Individual models + Texture an bones
Scene composition in anim8or..
>>>>> ( <<<<<
Just downloaded your work Neodelito, thanks a lot for sharing, you're great man.
yes Francesco... this is the idea..