Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: jpcr on October 22, 2008, 06:08:04 pm

Title: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: jpcr on October 22, 2008, 06:08:04 pm

i'm new here and wonder how to make a wood texture.

i found the texture window but only have checks in the list.

Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: floyd86 on October 22, 2008, 06:20:22 pm
You first need to load the texture: Create a new material, go textures and select the button with 3 dots (...) behind diffuse. Go load texture, select your wood texture and hit ok. Then select the texture in the list and hit ok again. Now you texture is loaded and will look like wood. To make it really realistic, also load the texture in the ambient,specular and bumpmap slot.
Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: CowTail on October 22, 2008, 11:06:33 pm
Such a basic question! Have you thought to look at the manual? It should be the first thing beginners should look at before using Anim8or and asking questions in the forum.

And obviously, to get the wood texture itself you can either take some photos from a camera or get them off the internet (Google Image Search ftw)
Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: jpcr on October 23, 2008, 03:32:10 pm
thanks floyd86.

CowTail, if i can't ask basic questions in this forum, i may need to find another one that will not tell me i'm dumb.

i was wondering if there was procedural textures like the other softwares i used in the past.

thanks anyway.

Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: mcheccyb on October 23, 2008, 04:25:52 pm
no, it's a shame there are no procedurals, as i find them very helpful in other 3d programs.
Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: jpcr on October 23, 2008, 04:41:18 pm
agreed , i love procedurals.
Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: floyd86 on October 23, 2008, 04:44:03 pm
agreed , i love procedurals.

who doesn't ^^
Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: hihosilver on October 23, 2008, 06:01:28 pm
jpcr:  Don't take his comment as critical to you.  It was a common misunderstanding.  Your question was very broad and it did seem as if you didn't know how textures work.  Some people that come to the forum don't understand, and in the past we've had many people that have never even tried looking at the manual, which will help you through those beginning stages.
His comment doesn't say anything about him thinking you're dumb.  All he's doing is referring you to the manual so that you can learn to use textures, because that's the sort of thing it's there for.
Nobody is insulting you, they're trying to help you, and also help you to first use sources such as the manual or google to see if you can answer your questions.

Here's my advice:
Procedurals are nice, yes, but you should not learn to rely on them.  Instead, it's a very powerful skill to learn to texture yourself.  If you have a camera, you can go out and take pictures yourself of things to aid you in the texturing process.  If not, Google is a wonderful resource.
There are many texturing tutorials on the web, and since texturing is not anim8or specific, you can look for any that work with Gimp or Photoshop, or the texturing program of your choice.

Good luck with your texturing.
Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: jpcr on October 24, 2008, 06:29:53 am

thanks a lot for your answer.I have to admit i took it personally but you're right !!

sorry if I offended anyone here, just went balistic...(CowTail, i'm sorry !!)

now will go and read the whole manual next week (in french..) as i'm on vacation without inernet so no reason to be distracted..

thanks ALL !!
Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: jpcr on October 24, 2008, 03:51:41 pm
Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: Lewb001 on December 22, 2008, 02:58:07 pm
i know you have already been answered, but a great piece of freeware which can be used for making your own textures is GIMP, go to to download it. If you already have it you can find some great tutorials on youtube, or if you have photoshop, there is no use in downloading GIMP. Hope this helped out.

Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: dajean on December 22, 2008, 03:51:32 pm
Here's a link on a program that you can create wood textures, and BTw it is a freeware

hope it helps
Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: dajean on December 22, 2008, 03:52:50 pm
oops forgot the link
well here we go
Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: Kubajzz on December 22, 2008, 05:19:17 pm
When speaking about wood textures... I've recently found a great Photoshop tutorial, check it out if you want to know how to create a good looking wood texture from scratch: (
Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: Project Test Chamber on December 28, 2008, 04:06:16 pm
Just wondering, what actually is a procedual texture, i'm not sure if ever come across that term?
Title: Re: how do i make a wood texture?
Post by: xalener on December 28, 2008, 07:31:18 pm
A texture that the computer makes itself depending on some settings you put in.