Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Andy_Rch on October 22, 2008, 02:39:15 pm
Hello anim8ors,
I want to show you an old project of mine. In this project I tried to fake water. I want to post this old image with the fake water and new version with raytraced water using ART.
For faking the water, I used an env mapping of the background and made the frontside of the drops transparent.
Here is a short animation of the faking one: http://de.
The first picture shows the fake water.
The second picture shows the raytraced one.
Have fun.
I love it, you must've made the first very well, the reflections look exactly the same...
I like it.
Very nice renders! The water seems to fly against gravity, or someone just did placed the tap under an angle^^.
Honestly I must say that i like the one without the ART the most. The water effect seems better to me on that one. Pretty impressive that you knew to reproduce those realistic reflections/refractions with only env-maps.
I disagree with floyd86, in that I prefer the ART render. The drops on top of the tap spout, and in particular the drop hanging in the spout opening itself, look very convincing. I think the improved contrast in the water droplets themselves in the ART render over the env. mapped render greatly improves the realism. The only thing that seems to be lacking in the second image is some sharp specular reflection of the water droplets in the ART render. Great work, and especially good that the env. mapped version was so close to the ray traced one!
I agree regarding the higher contrast in the ART renderer making it look better. If you made the contrast darker/sharper in the scanline version then it'd probably look just as good ;)
Nice render(s)!
I like the Anim8ion - the tap is well done reflective wise. Would you also consider doing an ART version too.
Nice to hear you like it. And itīs very interesting that some like the fake and the others like the raytraced one.
I must say, that I am also not sure which one I like most. I think the second one is the best. And thatīs very good, because it was not easy to get the best looking env. map for the water and I do not really want do do this every time for my renders.
What I find very interesting is that the watertap looks so different, because I give both the same env. map. Mmmmh, very interesting.
Yes, KiwiNM8OR, I was thinking to render the ART-version as an animation. Maybe I have to let my PC doing this over night. Sadly I didnīt look how long the render takes. I have to check this before.
I am so happy that the ART-Render is now implemented in anim8or. You make a very good job, Steve, a very good job :-)
Great work Andy_Rch them renders and youtube clip look very cool
Nice work!!
I prefer the first one. I like the light reflecting off the water dropplets more, and i think the darker contrast makes it look "too perfect" also I like the environment map on the faucet better
Personally I can't make a real choice, They both have their strong points. However on first sight i'd
choose the second one.
Really great work btw.
First of all, congratulation to your very realistic work.
I like both. It's really hard to say which is better, after a while I prefer the first one, because I have the impression, that it is smoother.
Keep up the good work :)
Thanks to all your comments,
I have tried to make the ART-Render more like the Non-ART-Render. When you compare both renders, you can see, that the Non-ART picture has more specular than the ART one. So I decided to give more specular. Then I realiced, that I also used different values on ambient and diffuse for the Non-ART. So I also changed ambient and diffuse.
For all interessted in the material I used now for the ART-Render:
Ambient: 0
Diffuse: 1
Specular: 1
Emissive: 0
Rough: 50
Brilliance: 1
Transparent: 0.1
Here is the new ART-Render:
The reflections of the tap look better now, to my opinion. Still i like the water on the first non-ART render the most. Very nice render!