Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: neodelito on October 19, 2008, 05:48:04 pm

Title: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: neodelito on October 19, 2008, 05:48:04 pm
Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Modeled and textured in ANIM8OR..
You like..??

BabelFish: "Many thousands ago of years, the zone of Chiloé was mainland, but it appeared Caicavilu, serpent of the evil, enemy of the terrestrial life, animal and vegetable, that wishes to incorporate to its marine dominions; thus I flood all the territory; threatening to turn it into a sea. When this happened, it appeared Tentenvilú or the serpent of the good, goddess of the Earth and the fecundity, and generally of everything what in her it grows. Kind spirit, who protects his dominions of the invasions of the sea. This I help chilotes to climb to the hills and to which they were catched equipped with the power of the birds and fish to them, so that they did not perish drowned. But it was not enough; Caicavilú, continued elevating the level of the sea, then Tentenvilú began to elevate the level of the hills that excelled of the sea. The fight followed by many years until the triumph of Tentenvilú, giving by result that the valleys were buried under the sea and hills turned into beautiful islands. "

"Hace muchos miles de años, la zona de Chiloé era tierra firme, pero apareció Caicavilu, serpiente del mal, enemiga de la vida terrestre, animal y vegetal, que desea incorporar a sus dominios marinos; así inundo todo el territorio; amenazando convertirlo en un mar. Cuando esto ocurría, apareció Tentenvilú o la serpiente del bien, diosa de la tierra y la fecundidad, y en general de todo lo que en ella crece. Espíritu bondadoso, que protege sus dominios de las invasiones del mar.                                                                           
     Esta ayudo a los chilotes a trepar a los cerros y a los que fueron atrapados los dotó del poder de las aves y peces, para que no perecieran ahogados. Pero no bastó; Caicavilú, siguió elevando el nivel del mar, entonces Tentenvilú empezó a elevar el nivel de los cerros que sobresalían del mar.   La lucha siguió por muchos años hasta el triunfo de Tentenvilú, dando por resultado que los valles quedaron sepultados bajo el mar y los cerros convertidos en bellas islas. "
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on October 19, 2008, 06:15:02 pm
Anim8or? you sure?

Looks very good, can we see a clay / wire render?
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: neodelito on October 19, 2008, 06:34:57 pm
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: Darkjesture on October 19, 2008, 07:28:48 pm
Looks like something from shadow of the Colossus for the ps2. Looks good Im asuming you added it to a picture with an image editor of some kind?
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: CowTail on October 19, 2008, 08:18:10 pm
Pretty good, though for that composite the textures need to be sharper and more crisp, looks a little blurry at the moment. Interesting story behind it :)
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on October 20, 2008, 01:23:33 pm
Wooo! darkjesture, another STC fan!

So can you show us a clay / wire render?
for the sake of proof?
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: neodelito on October 20, 2008, 06:13:21 pm
i retouch the imagen to make moore blur  (distance efx)

here is an screenshot of scene.. (WIP.. unfinished sorry..I add "Cuernos")
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: almost cool on October 20, 2008, 07:19:53 pm
when i first saw it i tho u were lying!excellent work!can i see a wireframe?
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: Guilherme Amorim on October 20, 2008, 08:03:33 pm

Just helping you:
Cuernos = Horns :D
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: dwalcott on October 21, 2008, 04:16:35 am
Did you rig it for animation?  That would be cool... to see it rise out of the water... and kinda park next to that rock formation... 

Do you know how to rig it?  I could help...
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: Mactetra on October 21, 2008, 05:22:15 am
Sick! That is one heck of an awsome model!! Can't wait to see the finished product(with horns and all)

like dwalcott said, it would be really cool to see it rise out of the water or something!
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on October 21, 2008, 11:58:09 am
AWESOME! I must admit i didn't believe it at first, but now i do! amazing model, just like the collussi (plural collossus)

Love it.
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: jpcr on October 21, 2008, 06:37:20 pm
great work!
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: neodelito on October 23, 2008, 11:07:15 am
this is other shot.. i delete the horns.. and thanks for your words..

Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: floyd86 on October 23, 2008, 01:07:25 pm
Looking very good. Nice textures! Which paint program you used for the composing the final image?
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: hihosilver on October 23, 2008, 06:06:47 pm
Awesome Neodelito!
I love the water flowing down from the creature.
Well done.
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on October 23, 2008, 06:40:13 pm
Awesome work, brilliant setup, I thought it could be all artistic paint shop pro-ery... I love the little details (water running off and such)

57Billion^Pi   /  10
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: neodelito on October 24, 2008, 10:35:23 am
Hi!. thanks for your posts..  for final edit of image i use GIMP..
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: almost cool on October 24, 2008, 09:11:30 pm
eek.Well  theres your long did this take to make&render?and how many polys?
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: falloffalot on October 25, 2008, 05:25:14 am
Youv'e got a real Final Fantasy thing going on there.
Nice airbrushing work in that last pick.
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: dwalcott on October 25, 2008, 06:24:16 am

Very cool!
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: yetipenguin on October 25, 2008, 11:34:18 am
 :o wow...very nice
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: neodelito on October 26, 2008, 06:07:23 pm
"how long did this take to make&render?"
1/2 day..

and how many polys?"
3000 +-
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: almost cool on October 27, 2008, 11:29:55 am
Geez.Definately worth it!
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: neodelito on October 28, 2008, 10:38:44 am
thanks.. i try to finish the texture.. is hard big texture
Title: Re: Ten-Ten-Vilu, Giant Snake..
Post by: Destroyer on October 28, 2008, 06:59:09 pm
Woah dude nice model! when i first saw the render i thought "theres no way this was made in anim8or"