Anim8or Community
General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Francesco on October 19, 2008, 12:10:07 pm
Hi everybody, that's my first post here.
I take the occasion to greet all the community and to thank you, Steve, for Anim8or, that's a fantastic program and the ART raytracer is truly amazing - just playing around with reflective surfaces, but nothing really cool to share yet.
Version: 0.97d
Steps to reproduce the crash:
- in "Scene Mode" select "Settings > Environment...";
- in the "Environment Editor" dialog click on the "..." button besides to "Cubemap Texture";
- in the "Texture Selector" dialog select "none";
- the program crashes right after clicking "OK".
[ since the same kind of dialog is used by the "Surface Texture Editor" dialog, and since selecting "none" there will not cause a crash, I think that the problem is around the "Environment Editor" dialog - I wasn't sure about reporting this detail, as it seems superfluous to me, but well, here it is anyway ]
I also had some problems loading bitmaps - the only BMP file I was able to load was a 24bits made with Paint, while the program failed to load several other BMP formats made with Gimp. I wasn't able to find any post about this problem, I could give further details or upload some BMP images that failed to load, if needed.
Thank you all for your attention,
all the best,
#097-024 - Selecting "None" for Scene Environment Map Background Crashes.
It's now fixed. Thanks for the good bug report.
Anim8or doesn't load .bmp files that are compressed, run length encoded or use less than 8 bits/color channel.
Thanks to you for the time you're spending to give us such a cool program for free, being detailed in our reports is by far the minimum due.
Thank you also for the details about importing bitmaps, you could add that string to the error message, just to let users know.
Keep on the good work.
Sure, I'll add an error about that. Can you send me a .bmp file that doesn't work (for my QA tests :)?
a 4 bit will do right?
Here are some .bmp files for testing. Each image format is in the filename, as well as in the image itself, written black on white.
Anim8or 0.97d opens only the 24bits and the 1bit formats, fails to open the others and it crashes on my sample of the 4bits format. I've noticed that VBSmiles' 4bits image doesn't crash it, though. Up to you to solve this mess Steve ;-)
Further details follow.
All the files have been made and saved with Gimp 2.4.5.
MS Paint opens them all without any problem.
The preview feature in Win XP fails to display some of them, the same does Opera 9.21. The recognized formats are handled correctly, though.
Firefox 3.0.3 displays half of them turning white areas to something else.
bpp | usage | Anim8or | XP, Opera | White in Firefox
1 | BW1 | YES | YES | white
4 | GS4 | CRASH | YES | white
16 | A1 R5 G5 B5 | NO | NO | light gray
16 | R5 G6 B5 | NO | NO | light green
16 | X1 R5 G5 B5 | NO | YES | light gray
24 | R8 G8 B8 | YES | YES | white
32 | A8 R8 G8 B8 | NO | YES | white
32 | X8 R8 G8 B8 | NO | NO | yellow
bpp = bits per pixel
BW = Black and white
GS = Grayscale
A = Alpha
R = Red
G = Green
B = Blue
X = Unused
Edit: shall it be of use, I could do further test images for all the formats that Anim8or is planned to handle.
Update: also 8bits grayscale .bmp get loaded correctly (didn't update the attached archive, I'll make a full set of test images if it is really useful for debugging)
Useful note : My 4 bit image was produced via Photoshop Elements 2