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General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: lynn22 on October 17, 2008, 06:58:29 pm

Title: v.97c - 97d, day and night
Post by: lynn22 on October 17, 2008, 06:58:29 pm
With Ray Trace renderer giving such nice results I'm restarting my museum movie from scratch.
While trying out the set-up, keeping it as simple as possible to reduce render times, I rendered the basic scene in V. 97c and then with exactly the same settings in 97d and got a totally different result. The light intensity went from morning (97c) to night (97d)  ;)

I will render in 97c because that's how I like it best but I wonder if anybody knows what might cause this difference ?

Title: Re: v.97c - 97d, day and night
Post by: VBSmiles on October 17, 2008, 07:46:05 pm
It appears ( by looks anyway ) that you have an extra light (above and near the ceiling) in the first render. Perhaps that light got moved out of the house.
Title: Re: v.97c - 97d, day and night
Post by: lynn22 on October 17, 2008, 07:50:11 pm
Sorry, no, there are only 2 lights, one local light at the centre of the ceiling and one spotlilight, tilted to light up the "view" through the window.

Nothing was moved. I rendered in v 97c, closed the program opened 97d and rendered again without making any changes and that's why I don't understand the difference in output.
Title: Re: v.97c - 97d, day and night
Post by: VBSmiles on October 17, 2008, 08:08:08 pm
It's possible that the lighting was slightly altered due to the new lighting options.. * you can actually make it too bright now *

Settings | Lighting | global and ambient intensities 
Title: Re: v.97c - 97d, day and night
Post by: Steve on October 17, 2008, 09:50:49 pm
If you send me a .an8 project I can see what caused the change.  I fixed some math errors in how ambient lighting was calculated which  likely account for the difference.  It was too bright for some materials I think.

As VBSmiles pointed out you can change the overall lighting intensity for the entire project and for individual scenes with those settings.

Note: you may have faster render time is you eliminate the checkered floor.  (Settings->Environment uncheck Ground Grid.)

(Maybe you just rendered the v097d one later in the evening :))
Title: Re: v.97c - 97d, day and night
Post by: lynn22 on October 18, 2008, 06:56:16 am
Thank you Steve and VBSmiles, I found the cause of the difference.

When 97c renders in Antialiased mode vs. non-Antialiased, it brightens the ambiant setting.
V97d does not do that.

In both the above pictures Settings > Lighting > Project : Global = 1, Ambient = 0.300

to get the same "clarity" in 97d Antialiased mode as in 97c Antialiased mode the setting is : Project : Global = 1, Ambient = 1

Personally, I prefer 97c as Scene mode shows the colors far closer to the final render then 97d where in Scene mode the colors are "washed out" vs. render unless you keep switching Settings > Lighting settings between work and render. ;)
Title: Re: v.97c - 97d, day and night
Post by: Steve on October 18, 2008, 07:26:27 pm
Yes there was a bug in v0.97c that brightened things too much.  I have a suggestion.  In general it's better to add more light rather than pump up the ambient factor to 1.0.  Shadows tend to become washed out when you increase the ambient factor and you can loose overall contrast especially in lighter areas.
Title: Re: v.97c - 97d, day and night
Post by: lynn22 on October 19, 2008, 04:58:12 pm
Thank you for the suggestion Steve. There will be more lights but none of these will cast shadows.
I was just testing the strenght of the one light that will cast shadows.

Other lights will be to light up individual objects in the scene and should contribute to the overall "clarity" ;)