Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Project Test Chamber on October 16, 2008, 03:34:41 pm
I have been working on this with some other people over the past few weeks and thought i would share it with the rest of you all! (
Currently the website doesn't have any screens of the works in progress however this is because we are mainly focusing on the main script and storyboards. At the moment there is a quick storyline just to give you a little idea of what it is all about. Along with this there is also an area of project info (team, programs used etc)
I'm hoping on using anim8or for a large amount of the film as well as bits of blender and also a few other programs for modelling and texturing etc. Before we make a main animation on the actual story first we will be releasing a short snippet, a trailer sort of video to get the whole project really flowing. Hope to get more information on the website and here soon. I can't give you an exact date for a finish because this truely is quite a large project and is something that we are working on only in our free time but we will deffinatly be aiming to get a preview for you soon.
Website (
Feel free to add this adress onto your MSN Instant Messaging Program, i and others of the team will be off and on there to keep any of you up to date.
Also drop any comments you want down below!
Awesome, looks like my kind of project! Very intruiging name, good choice, can't wait to see some shots.
Yeah, i found a lot of influance from the game Portal if you've ever played that and also got a bit of inspiration from various films and stories as well. If you have any trouble with the website, don't worry i am sorting it out very shortly. I'm currently with a terrible free webhosting company but i am switching to an add free one within the next week. If the adverts interfer just click the main flash website area and it shoud get rid of them over lapping the main website.
Does anyone know how i could bring this project to a larger audience? At the moment it is mainly just people from this forum looking at it but does anyone have any ideas on how i could widen the audience and where to do it?
I would try and get a little trailer movie together and maybe youtube it and post on as many forums as possible.
Have you posted on AnimAnon & CG-Nation? If not the links are in the bottom left of this screen.
Good luck with your project.
Portal fan too eh? Well it will be interesting.
I cant wait.
Ill keep an eye on this!
yeah i've done a little topic on the general discusion on AnimAnon, i'll get some more content together then make more of a move on making people aware of the project i think, wouldn't want to start anything too soon because it will be a long time until it is finished. I'll deffinatly be working on a little trailer which will also act as an intro to the film! Just not sure how long it will take to make....
It isn't for certain yet but i am currently working on a project which i am planning to make into a short film, as i said i'm not sure on details of length and when it'll be finished. It could be weeks, months or even a year or two who knows! The title of the film is called "Beyond the Dark Sea", however i am not letting out on any of the details of the storyline or infact anything at the moment! You'll just have to wait for a preview or a trailer! For now the title is enough to get everyone's imagination's going! I sure hope this film works out! But as i said before i'm not confirming there even will be a film yet! As soon as i have done some animations of some of the scenes and i am happy with how everything is going, then i will let you know that there will be something. Until then........
I hate to poo poo anything But Did this ever get Finished ????
BEYOND THE DARK SKY original archive at,423.0.html
Oooh, i'd love to see that finished, how about we dig it back up again, it had some good storyline behind it...
Problem was i had no support with that project from my mate's but with this one i've got a lot more support because i think they are actually interested. Also at the time of making bits of beyond the dark sea i was doing GCSE's so doing it became very hard and i basicly lost track of where i was. I've still got a lot of the models and files that i created but no movies yet. I think at the time Beyond the Dark Sea was a little bit beyond me so it didn't really seem realistic to do. I was just talking to one of my other m8's the other day when they asked what ever happened to Beyond the Dark Sea and asked if i would ever finish it, so i will eventually come back to it. For now though i felt it was better just to start a fresh with a new story and get a solid script and storyline before i start making stuff. This time i've also got a lot more support and help which is great. Not including me i've got another 3 and soon 4 people helping.
Don't worry Kreator i will get something out of this project
As for now i got to get back to doing my english coursework... see the problem i got :D
Ah, i envy you, my friends have unfortunately taken anim8or the wrong way, one of them was lacking the stones to try and learn the software, and the other was sheperded by the first... pity...
I also find it wierd, that although I have a large family (cousins uncles etc.) and they are in many different career types, none of them work in animation or game design! Talk about off putting!
Can't wait to see some work done with this project.
quick question, why so many softwares?
Each piece of software has various features which others don't so they have to be used. For example particle effects is a lot easier to carry out in Blender where as in Anim8or it is harder to do.
I'll give you a little run down of the software going to be used and what for...
Anim8or-Puttin textures onto the models, animation and rendering. May also use it for some modelling.
Blender-Certain scenes may be made in blender if they are particularily demanding, particle effects can also be done in blender, some modelling will also be done in blender (characters and various objects)
Hexagon 2.2- A large amount of the modelling i'm doing will probably be done in hexagon simply because it has a huge range of tools and is very easy and quick to use. No texturing will be done in hexagon though.
Carrara 5 pro- I put this one down as a kind of maybe program, i'm not that familiar with it however i know that it has excellent rendering facillities so it may be used in some one to do with that however i don't think it is going to be used that much in this project. I might just do some of the still images in this or titles/logo/advert style things with this program.
Paintshop pro 8-Just a program i use to create most of my textures, i've also got a handy little freeware seemless texturing plugin with this program as well which is good.
Gimp/flash - 2d graphic work
Uv mapper classic-Do the UV mapping for use in anim8or
Terranim8or-Any extra bits added in, effects etc
Audacity- recording voices, also editing the soundtrack and music
One to add to this isn't really a piece of software but is a piece of hardware i'm going to be using which is called a Korg padKontrol which is a midi controller for use in creating music on the computer
Any bits of software i've missed out is either because its not going to be used much or .... i forgot it! :D
Not using Audacity at all?
yeah, i am using audacity... it was in the list above :D
wow, nice list of softwares! thanks for the anwser.
good luck with your project.
Thanks, heres a few very quick images of what i'm working on... its just going to be a little promo image when its finished
First image is a quick render (only basic room shape and no textures)
Second image UV mapped version of the room which i'm working on
You've got a ton of empty space in that uvmap, you should try packing them together a bit more closer so that you don't have huge file sizes and a bunch of ram/cpu hogging.
ahh, good idea, think i'll re do that tonight.
Hehe, reminds me of my scene a while ago, my lighting was a bit off though:
Can anyone give me any advice on how to create reflections easily. I've never really use this function in anim8or before.
name: specular
string: reflection
ahhh awesome didn't relise it was that easy in anim8or! thanks!
Whilst i'm replying in the message i'll just give you a quick update of whats going on...
Currently i'm working on the script and getting the main storyline complete as well as setting up a little preview script for when i release a little snippet of what is to come. Adam, another person working on this project is brushing up his skills on blender and the others working in this project are waiting for me to finish the script. Should soon have it done.
Quick Update
This weekend i'm going to be working on expanding the website content. I'm going to be setting up a little interactive map of the research facility featured in Project Test Chamber. I'm also going to set up an area map of the surround towns(setting of the film). Both setting maps are fictional and are not based on any where in particular. I'll post up another message when i've got it all ready to go.
Oooh, I can't wait to see some stills... This has been, and is being organised well.
At last another update!
I've just updated the website a bit more. The Chamber section now has a full intro and will soon be the main area of the website holding all of the information and content! Enjoy and tell me what you think of it. (
Well if i were you i'd add the option to skip 'The Chamber's Intro, since it might get annoying if you want to quickly browse through it.
good idea, i'll add that although the intialising bit has got actionscript to load whatever content is within but it has a set limit time and finish time because i try to load most of it when the website first opens.
Right time for another update!
Here are two images on the main setting of the animation. Its going to be a test facillity set around a lake in a large mountainous valley. The first image is a low poly version of the valley and the second is a medium poly version, and the colours are not for anything but to give me a general idea of where things are going to be and where certain sections are when i come to texturing. Black is for the general area roads will be placed and the blue is just where water will be.