Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Scritch on October 16, 2008, 11:06:58 am
Hi all,
I am quite new in using Anim8or and I'd like to make an image of a picture falling on the ground (not a movie). The idea is that I would like it to be curved like a flying sheet of paper falling from the sky (imagine a feather falling with wind), almost folded.
I started to do this with a small plane and the "bend" transformer tool, but the result is not very accurate and I can't get to bend the corner of the picture as I'd like to.
I then tried with moving the points of the mesh, but this leads to strange results as I am not very good in modeling.
Any help would be appreciated !! Ty ::)
The more bending you want done on it, the more divisions you need in the plane. Make a new single-poly plane again (if it's triangulated then select all the faces and go to Edit->Merge Faces). Select the model and then go to Build->Subdivide Faces and use a Tension of 1. Do this a couple of times until you get your desired divisions.
Alternatively, you could make a cube and specify a bunch of divisions in the parameters and then delete all but one side, or use the knife tool.
Ok I've put a lot of divisions in the mesh and effected the transformer on the very corner of it (with 200 degree of bending), it curves it very cool. But I can't imagine how time I will have to spend if I want to bend in different ways 10 or more sheets of paper...
Hoping that next version of anim8or will have a tissue handling
Thanks CowTail!!
You could also apply multiple bones to the sheet, which would allow you to bend the sheet(s) in an animation to your heart's content.
Here's what I can tell you. Simplidied it as much as I possibly can. Not meant to be offensive, but just true.
Not good at modeling?
Get better.
Reguardless of what you tell yourself, you can always get better.
I just did one for you..... but where to upload an an8?
I just did one for you..... but where to upload an an8?
You can attach one right here. Just click on "Additional Options..." at the bottom of the Post Reply (not Quick Reply) window, navigate to your.an8 file, and attach it, like I did, just below...
damn. never saw it. thanks :)
I attempted to render the movie yesterday, 2 hours to render it. but it crashed at the end. then I couldn't play or upload it anyway...... sigh
Ah crap...... never saved the actual animation before it crashed.
But you'll get the general idea with the morphs. just have the paper go down and toward the right, then turn the paper and go down and toward the left.
As a bonus, you get this great looking scene ;D
I attempted to render the movie yesterday, 2 hours to render it. but it crashed at the end. then I couldn't play or upload it anyway...... sigh
That's why I ALWAYS recommend you render out individual frames, then composite the video later with VitualDub. That way, if my computer crashes, or you need to alter a frame or two, you can pick up again wherever I left off.