Anim8or Community
General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: headwax on October 16, 2008, 04:08:08 am
Hello Genuii (plural of genius :) )
Don''t know if possible, a heal tool is a tool that when run over verticies will attach a verticie to the same bone as its neighbours.
Great for clearing up messy rigging weight painting.
any taakers? :)
Animation data isn't accessible at the moment thru
ASL,so that type of script is impossible for now.
Thanks Claude for the info ;)
Add that to your Wishlist Headwax!
That's funny K :)
Better it's not on MY wish list, cause it won't happen :) :) :) :) Ho ho.
How about then.... having the seequence editor and the bone editor windows opened at the same time so that when you paint a verticies you can see what happens in real time?