Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Samukun on October 16, 2008, 03:14:47 am
Helloo, I guess I'm totally new here. =3 I've been using anim8or for about two years now and I happened to make these things.
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with all missile pods open
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with hangar bay open
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with all NIRVS (networked independent reinforce vehicles) released
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rear view
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Not bad, good job from what I can tell, will you be animating it?
Awesome work, would that happen to be inspired by homeworld?
You've got a great cartoon look with your models.
Very Nice
Cool. I like the indy pods... great work!
Thanks for the comments everyone. =3
Not bad, good job from what I can tell, will you be animating it?
Mmm... Seeing how I'm going to be using this model in a manga I'm making, I don't think that animating will be necessary.
Awesome work, would that happen to be inspired by homeworld?
Actually, I've never played homeworld. Most of my inspiration comes from Gundam and Macross though.
Homeworld is sooo cool! But Gundam is bad ass! I could see this ship in either of those.
I agree with falloffalot: does have that cartoon look as if straight from an old comic with simple colouring. Also I like the Anim8or screenshot.
cool - i initially thought 'looks a lot like an x-wing', but the similarity is only superficial really. i like your design, though. 8)
Classes are finally finished for the semester... So that means more time to make stuff with anim8or. =3
I got this finished today. I have a carrier class capital ship... Obviously now I need some fighters to load up the hangar bay!
wow. nice models, especially the last one
Haha, I wouldn't mind getting those for christmas, I love the detail on the ships, and the basic colours.
I finished a new model today... Although I'm not as pleased with it as I was with my previous one. *sigh*
Meant this one to be more of a long range bombardment type fighter...
All previews complete with weird camera distortion effects. -_-; Anyone know how to fix that?
eird camera distortion effects? I don't see what you mean...
Maybe it's just my own imagination... But doesn't the ship kind of look like it's curving downwards as it gets further away from the camera? It's like seeing the curvature of the Earth... On a ship. You can't see it as much on the side view, but on the front view, where the entire hull of the ship goes further away from the viewer, it's much more noticeable.
Heh, that may be in your mind. What you're probably seeing is the normal perspective, but I don't see any curving! The style of these ships is pretty nice.
Do you plan to make one beauty render? or animate the ships?
Well, if I'm the only one seeing it, maybe I'm just being too nitpicky. XD I tend to do that with my own works.
Mmm... As for what I intend to do with these ships, all these models are actually assets for a much bigger project I'm working on right now. I'm hoping to create a manga with 2D hand drawn characters and 3D modeled ships and backgrounds, kind of like Macross Frontier. Right now, I'm more focused on getting the star ships done first, but maybe I'll also post the 2D stuff here when I get them done.
The effect you mention is just normal foreshortening, a visual effect caused when the camera is quite close to the model, with a wide angle setting. It can be reduced by moving the camera further back and increasing the zoom to maintain the correct framing, but I think the effect is a positive one and does not detract from the render at all. Rather, it lends the image a certain dynamicism, as if the ship is in rapid motion towards the camera, and actually makes it appear larger.
Got a new ship made... And just in time for the New Years too!
Nice! Still a bit hard to distinguish the features though. I think if you manually textured a little bit of detail/shading into certain areas then it'll make it stand out a lot more, rather than relying on just basic cel-shading. I can see that there's the blade(s), guns, and some of the wings but as I get closer to the body it gets harder to tell what's going on.
Good job though, I don't have much patience for anime-style crafts, myself ;)
OooooOoOOoooh, I like that new one, Looks like it could fly it's way through anything, I like the aerodynamic design on the ships, the way the main... pointy bits point back, gives a greater impression of speed, though I agree that some of the areas do dissapear with block colours, Love the style though!
Very nice I like the reinforcement vehicles
Here's a much needed update after a long hiatus. I've fixed up my renders, so hopefully they look more eye pleasing. I also have a bunch of new ships too.
Here's some more ships.
these are sooo cool! :o are the ships in the second post the 'bad guys'?
very nice and sharp and angular, though somehow smooth..
***face palm***
I think I overdid it on the 3D renders and blew something up in my laptop.
1) Sometimes the monitor refuses to display anything period and is just green, pink, and black static. Hooked up to an external monitor, it displays everything fine.
2) Sometimes the system comes to an halt, the screen slowly fades to white, all the colours bleed, and blue and red microchip patterns form on the monitor. Nothing works and the only way to escape it is to force a shut down
3) Sometimes the monitor flickers
I'm not sure whether it's a burned out graphics card or a burned out monitor. Case 1 leads to me suspect it's a broken monitor, but I don't understand why that would cause system halts and colour bleeds. Maybe both the monitor and the graphics card are busted?
Alas, how I wish for my own personal render farm...
Hah! I hijacked by brother's laptop AND I AM BACK ONLINE! ^_^
Also, my 2D artist came through and finalized all the character designs. Hope you like them. I obviously didn't draw these, but I think they're awesome. >_<
First two characters:
Kaito Kanzaki, the pilot of the crumbling cargo freighter Blue Bird who through a series of unlucky events accidentally becomes the captain of the prototype warship Sunrider. Our main protagonist.
Sora Kanzaki, Kaito's younger sister.
Next set:
Asaga Okrun, a cheerful princess on the run from her parents, and one of the two main heroines.
Chigara-Bin Ashada, a refugee and a mechanical genius. The second of the two main heroines.
The first set:
Kris Grey, a captain in the Alliance fleet and an ally.
Icari Isidolde, a bounty hunter who joins the team to avenge her parents.
The second set:
Admiral Grey, Kris' father and the head of the Alliance military.
Ava Crescentia, the Prime Minister of the Alliance.
The third set:
Cosette Cosmos, PACT ace pilot and antagonist.
Claud Cosmos, PACT ace pilot and antagonist.
The fourth set:
Mr. Okrun, Asaga's father and a corrupt businessman.
Veniczar S. Acadius, the leader of PACT and the primary villain.
Cool ships - very creative - lots and lots and lots and lots of work!
time well spent