Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: ENSONIQ5 on October 12, 2008, 09:23:12 am
G'day all. I am working on a model to be submitted in's "Refflections" still frame mini-contest, and I thought some of you might like to see how it's going. It is being built in 0.97d using the ART renderer, and I am going for accuracy and high quality in the final render rather than low poly. There is still much work yet to be done, especially in constructing the space frame and modelling the interior, and the background and lighting setup is only temporary.
Some clay renders using AmbientOcclusion. I have refined the tyre tread bumpmap and still have much modelling to do, especially in the little details.
Mighty fine work ENSONIQ5, congrats
nice car, needs some flames on the sides then it would be fully sick.
nice car, needs some flames on the sides then it would be fully sick.
Fully sick!?! Mate, you gotta be an Aussie!
Not a bad idea though!
Front wheel arches re-worked, some interior modelled.
Colour choice just for you, Menamarco!
I feel like a...
baby :O
Great model!
How much time you used to model this?
And Which is the average of time it took rendering?
without wireFrame it seems to be hi-poly :P
Modelling time (so far): probably about 20 to 25 hours
Rendering time (estimate): 35 to 45 minutes
Not sure how many polys, haven't bothered counting! I am going for high resolution rather than a game-ready model, so the poly count isn't really important.
Not too bad, I like all the detail! For a beauty render though, I think having less reflection makes for a cooler look though, perhaps you should tone it down or even just give it a simple env map instead of full reflections? (also, the color is yuck, imo--not to worry, I did the same thing for my first completed car too...high reflections and purple ;))
Example of non-reflective/glossy render. Notice that it's using a env unrelated to the actual scene area:
Thanks for the reference image link, that is certainly a great model, very well rendered. I understand what you are saying, though the reference image is still highly reflective (of the environment map, not the actual scene). You can clearly see reflected detail in the background, like a building above the front wheel and a fence across the windows. I think the reason the reflected background looks as good as it does is that it has large areas of black and has a high contrast, which serves to reveal the shape of the reflecting surface rather than disguise it. This is definitely a point worth remembering and I thank you for pointing it out!
I intend the final scene to be an indoor shot, as if the car is on display at a motor show or something like that. It will be illuminated by several spot lights, and the background will be very dark. Once I have finalised the material settings (for all the materials, not just the duco) the final render may appear closer to the Ferrari you linked to. At this stage the duco colour is entirely unknown, I will try a few different colours once the final scene is fully rigged.
Great model ENSONIQ5 new trye bump looks awesome.
For the sake of using the ART reflective attributes in a real world setting this is basically finished. I do intend to refine the car model somewhat, for the sake of good modelling, but it would have minimal effect in the render, so here it is.
The car body uses the specular>reflection attribute, and the floor uses the glossyreflector attribute. The render took between 14 and 17 hours, AA is set to 64 samples.
I will do some more renders from different angles shortly, I just have a bit of modelling to do on the inside of the doors, to add arm rests, door catch release, etc.
Looking very good, the floor might be a bit too shinny. Maybe turn the rough/specular down a little. But the overall scene and the ART attributes are great. I definitly want to see more renders from different angles, too bad anim8or's render is so slow.
Cheers floyd86. The floor is probably too shiny to be truly accurate (especially for a shed, rather than a ballroom!) but the point of this project was to show off ART's reflective attributes. I understand your point (and all the very-much-appreciated cc from this and other forums) and I have a few compromise ideas that may work to resolve some of the issues, particularly with the reflective floor and the lack of detail lighting on the car's body. Part of the problem is that the car is largely black, so it is difficult to tell duco from shadow. Anyhoo, for now I have re-rendered the scene with a better backdrop, altered lighting and a slightly different camera angle, which hopefully resolves some of the more glaring issues.
A different angle..
Fantastic model and very good renders, I think I'll buy one, but with the driver's seat on the left ;)... customs you know...
Amazing work, keep it up.
better than any car I've done - sweet!
The floor is probably too shiny to be truly accurate (especially for a shed, rather than a ballroom!) but the point of this project was to show off ART's reflective attributes.
add that texture to the bumpmap.... that should add some accuracy ;)