Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: neodelito on October 09, 2008, 04:33:19 pm
Greek Myth
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Grek Mythologic creature.
An8, 3ds, Obj, X, Ms3d + skeleton
The faucet is an animal whose head has tip of eagle, body of lion and powerful wings. The first textual reference to this animal is in Aeschylus, that in his tragedy chained Prometheus (803, foll.) it puts in mouth of Prometheus the following words: “Guárdate of the faucets, dogs of Zeus without bark, powerful teeth…” For Heródoto (III, 116; IV, 13; IV, 27), the faucets are jealous guardians of gold, faced the arimaspos constantly (men with a single eye seeking of that precious metal). With that function, also Pausanias talks about to them (I, 24, 6), describes that them like “fierce with wings and tip of eagle” (ibidem). Heródoto introduces in addition the iconography and symbolism to the faucet in the arts. Speech of statues of esfinges and faucets in the palace that Escilas, king of escitas, had in the city of the boristenitas (IV, 79). Esfinge always has been clear like protective animal, which would mean that esfinges and together faucets would symbolize the protection and guards of a property. More ahead (IV, 152), Heródoto tells us that, after their return of Tartessos, the samios forged a bronze container to ofrendar it to Hera in their temple of Argus. A container in which, according to Heródoto, “around her there are heads of faucets prepared in row”.
Babel Fish Translator.
MilkShape Animation
nice work as always. can we see a wireframe? id like to see how hair fur and feathers are done without using opnGL or a program.
Did you use anim8or to make that?
yep i use anim8or..
Rellik420, you can download free an see the wireframe..
Nice work on this, it reminded me of the Buckbeak HippoGriff from the Harry Potter movies. You did a really great job on the texture map as well as the meshing!
Sorry for all of the questions, but how did you UV that, what program did you use?
And how did you texture it?
Hi rndrFox.. i notuse other program for apply textures.. i s you download the model an see the jpg file you see bloks os screenshot in anim8or and i paint them whit alias sketch (2d software) nothing more to say..
Sorry my Baaad english..
very baad..