Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: vowo on January 18, 2008, 09:48:36 am
Hi, I made PF2008 in Anim8or. Check it here or
But when I made it, IŽve got problem with bone bending in scene mode. If I enable more than one axis, IŽll can bend it in one direction only.
Example: At the beginin the "bull" rotate with its head. After (when it repuls the ball) it give a nod (in another direction). I made it this way: First I enable only one direction (for rotating) and then this direction prohibit. After (for give a nod) I enable other direction and in finish I enable both directions. How can I bend bone in more directions in the same time?
the video doesn't work on my computer, unfortunately. maybe you could put it on youtube?
about your bone problem: i'm not an expert on bones, but i find sometimes that it works, or doesn't work, based on the viewpoint. in other words, sometimes i try to rotate a bone and it doesn't work, but then i rotate the view a bit, and then i can turn the bone. weird. (anybody else get that one?) don't know if that'll help you, but it might be worth checking.
- colclough
When rotating bones, you can use different mouse buttons for different directions. See this part of the manual (
Great video by the way!
Private to vowo (I apologize to those who don't understand, I know I should use english...):
Nazdar, jses prvni Cech kteryho jsem potkal ze pouziva Anim8or... Pokud bys neco potreboval, posli mi soukromou zpravu, v hlavnim foru by se mela pouzivat jenom anglictina...
pretty good, it's not much to look at but i can see you know how to animate, which will be very useful to you, one thing, try and get it to look more realistic with the physics, and speed up the bit where the dog-thing kicks the ball