Anim8or Community
General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: VBSmiles on September 28, 2008, 11:38:03 pm
Thought I'd be generious and give out some metal materials for the new reflections. ;D Sorry I couldnt do it a simpler way ::)
Just copy and paste into a new .an8
header {
version { "0.97d beta" }
build { "2008.09.21" }
environment {
grid { 1 10 50 50 }
lighting {
intensity { 1 }
ambientintensity { 0.20000 }
framerate { 24 }
film {
size { 400 300 }
ratio { 4 3 }
object { "Steven's Metals"
material { "Gold"
attribute { "specular" string "reflection" }
surface {
/* RGB chunk no longer used */
rgb { 244 212 127 }
lockambiantdiffuse { }
ambiant {
rgb { 244 212 127 }
factor { 0.30000 }
diffuse {
rgb { 244 212 127 }
factor { 1 }
specular {
rgb { 255 255 255 }
factor { 0.50000 }
brilliance { 10 }
phongsize { 3 }
material { "Brass"
attribute { "specular" string "reflection" }
surface {
/* RGB chunk no longer used */
rgb { 237 185 49 }
lockambiantdiffuse { }
ambiant {
rgb { 237 185 49 }
factor { 0.30000 }
diffuse {
rgb { 237 185 49 }
factor { 1 }
specular {
rgb { 255 255 255 }
factor { 0.50000 }
brilliance { 10 }
phongsize { 3 }
material { "Copper"
attribute { "specular" string "reflection" }
surface {
/* RGB chunk no longer used */
rgb { 223 90 33 }
lockambiantdiffuse { }
ambiant {
rgb { 223 90 33 }
factor { 0.30000 }
diffuse {
rgb { 223 90 33 }
factor { 0.70000 }
specular {
rgb { 255 255 255 }
factor { 0.60000 }
brilliance { 1.8 }
phongsize { 0.60000 }
material { "Silver"
attribute { "specular" string "reflection" }
surface {
/* RGB chunk no longer used */
rgb { 182 182 204 }
lockambiantdiffuse { }
ambiant {
rgb { 182 182 204 }
factor { 0.30000 }
diffuse {
rgb { 182 182 204 }
factor { 1 }
specular {
rgb { 255 255 255 }
factor { 0.50000 }
brilliance { 6 }
phongsize { 3 }
material { "Steel"
attribute { "specular" string "reflection" }
surface {
/* RGB chunk no longer used */
rgb { 224 224 224 }
lockambiantdiffuse { }
ambiant {
rgb { 224 224 224 }
factor { 0.30000 }
diffuse {
rgb { 224 224 224 }
factor { 0.70000 }
specular {
rgb { 255 255 255 }
factor { 0.40000 }
brilliance { 2 }
phongsize { 8 }
material { "Alien Green"
attribute { "specular" string "reflection" }
surface {
/* RGB chunk no longer used */
rgb { 3 217 3 }
ambiant {
rgb { 1 104 1 }
factor { 0.30000 }
diffuse {
rgb { 3 217 3 }
factor { 0.70000 }
specular {
rgb { 255 255 255 }
factor { 0.40000 }
brilliance { 10 }
phongsize { 3 }
scene { "scene01"
frames { 72 }
groundgrid { 1 }
shadowbias { 0.00100 }
background { 153 153 153 }
camera { "camera01"
loc { (150 100 200) }
orientation { (-0.04877 0.93733 -0.14632 -0.31244) }
fov { 60 }
number { 1 }
controller { "active"
track {
booleankey { 0 0 "T" }
couldn't you just post the .an8 file? would be easier...
Edit: attached is the .an8 file
Yea nice materials.. i made a test render as well.. the difference are a bit less evident in mine though.. I hope there will be more options soon like Fresnel reflections!
@ $imon: Was your image rendered in anim8or, if yes: did you used and HDRI map to make this kind of reflections?
heh yea that was rendered in anim8or, an no HDRI maps are not supported (yet) unfortunately.. I made a big sphere with a cubemap on it around the scene, and have two white emissive blocks that make out the white reflections. Just some tricks to make it look like a HDRI, but of course since there is no GI it can never come close :P
heh yea that was rendered in anim8or, an no HDRI maps are not supported (yet) unfortunately.. I made a big sphere with a cubemap on it around the scene, and have two white emissive blocks that make out the white reflections. Just some tricks to make it look like a HDRI, but of course since there is no GI it can never come close :P
That's actually what I ment with HDRI maps ^^, but thanks for the tip will try it out soon.
Heres the file attached
Thanks for saving and uploading as an an8.
I just didn't know where to upload the darn thing.
Glad you guys like it.
heh yea that was rendered in anim8or, an no HDRI maps are not supported (yet) unfortunately.. I made a big sphere with a cubemap on it around the scene, and have two white emissive blocks that make out the white reflections. Just some tricks to make it look like a HDRI, but of course since there is no GI it can never come close :P
Nice emissive block trick. I'll have to add that to my trick bag
Hey $imon, could you maybe upload a scene view from outside the sphere, so newbies like me can grasp a better concept of your set-up ?
Excellent work by-the-way...
Stinky, if you simply download the file 3 posts up from yours, you can examine the file and see how he does what he does.
Oh... Thanks. I didn't realize I could do that... whoops
EDIT: Ok, so I've tried rendering the scene (without emissive blocks) and I cant seem to get the environment map to work. I put the images in there respective places, select the resulting cube map and click "ok" and apply the material in object mode. I'm not sure if this makes sense, but I had to scale up the large sphere in scene mode, just enough to get it out of the shot, but when I rendered, I came up with this...
Can someone, please, help me understand what i'm doin wrong.
Well, my metals use the new ART renderer. So you shouldn't have to rely on an environmental map. However...
I personally havent attempted to use the specular reflection with environmental mapping, I don't know if you can use both at the same time. If possible, cool. If not, turn one or the other off. In fact, that may be helpful in deturmining what is going on in your environmentals.
Possibly Stinky, the cube-mapped sphere is not large enough and/or try reapplying the cubemap to the sphere as what I see reflected in the metals appears to be the ground grid which therefore seems to me that both the camera and metals are under the grid.
a good way to share materials would be to make a script that adds them to your project.
Actually, you can't make a script that adds them because these materials use the ART attributes. Currently, they are not supported in ASL from what I understand.
I tried that, and even posted my results but later realized that the attributes where not there.
a good way to share materials would be to make a script that adds them to your project.
Why do you need the make a script for? When you save a file, the material settings will be saved along. No need for a script or something, just save it.
Just showing off now ;D
same meterial as gold
first 5 is glossy, and the second 5 is reflection
Ow, nice image (bit small :(). Did you use different specular values, the more to the right the higher the specular?
Yeah on the last 5. Used values of .2, .4, .6, .8 and 1
Same can be done with the glossy, but I didn't want quite that many balls :P