Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: xLegoPiratex on September 28, 2008, 02:37:43 pm
how do i flip / mirror a mesh or a group that looks exactly the same if you put a mirror on them
example: Hi--|--iH <-- mirror =o
Follow along with the Image:
Before you follow this tutorial, you need the have the mesh you want mirrored selected and not grouped, you can only mirror a single mesh.
First: go to "Build"
Second: Find "Mirror"
Third: Select Mirror, then pick which Axis you want to mirror across.
For what you are wanting X would be you best bet, if not choose one of the others. There is only three to choose from so it doesnt hurt to try them all just to learn what and how they do on your mesh.
Brief Explanation.
(in front view)
X = left / right from center point
Y = up / down from center point
Z = Away from / Towards camera
You won't really notice any change when using the Z axis mirror from front view.
As suppastar said: You can't mirror grouped objects but you should be able to mirror if you join as solids.
Select items to join then: Build > Join Solids
And remember that joining solids means that you can't move them as separate objects.
Thanks 3D J, have changed it.
If you need to adjust items once they have been joined as solids: You can't do it in Object/Edit mode <A>.
You need to go to point edit mode <P> with point select <p> and use the drag select tool <d> you can still select individual objects and manipulate them as before. Hope this helps.
PS: Short cuts are case sensative BTW.
Thanks 3D J, have changed it.
If you need to adjust items once they have been joined as solids: You can't do it in Object/Edit mode <A>.
You need to go to point edit mode <P> with point select <p> and use the drag select tool <d> you can still select individual objects and manipulate them as before. Hope this helps.
PS: Short cuts are case sensative BTW.
I got one little thing to add to that: select one point of the object you want to select and hit <c>, this will select all the connected points. So after hitting <c> you will have all the points of you object selected and you can move it around freely.
Same here Falloffalot.
However, aren't you able to select and detach faces?
So you could... if you had the patience, pick out all faces of the previously separate object, and detach it, creating a new object.
This is making me think that anim8or might need an option to mirror multiple objects, just to speed things up.
That point select sounds useful...
thanx guys really help me alot.
Another way to do this would simply be to mirror one of the objects, then the next, then the next until you've mirrored them all. This eliminates the need to join the meshes if you want to keep them separate.
Another way to do this would simply be to mirror one of the objects, then the next, then the next until you've mirrored them all. This eliminates the need to join the meshes if you want to keep them separate.
Except that isn't really an option working with say, a hundred objects ;D
Ok, I definitely think that the idea I posted up there /\ should be considered for one of the later versions of anim8or if possible.