Anim8or Community
General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Steve on September 26, 2008, 02:30:41 am
Guys, attributes are a quick way to get new functionality into Anim8or. It only takes a second to use them within Anim8or. Adding new fields in dialogs and all the code to handle them is a lot more work. So many new things in these "previews" are done the quick way - using attributes - so I can experiment and so I can get some feedback from everybody on what works, what doesn't, and what else is needed. The most useful attributes will likely be moved to normal dialogs for real releases.
So don't worry about how hard it is to add attributes, etc. They'll always be there for end user extensibility and other experimentaion. But official "releases" will do move many of them into proper dialogs.
I my self don't find any problem with using the GUI that that way.
The only thing i wish it had was the Attributes already In the system to be used by.....Ehh.....i don't know, from like a drop down menu or something. But that's just me, i really don't find anything wrong with the whole how attribute are accessed thing, anim8or is is till easier to use then any other program in terms of work flow/simplicity
Unlike, ...Blender *Shudders*, just looks an alien space ship with their GUI. *Shudders* Bleh, to complicated to even "want" to learn.
Suppastar, what he's saying is that there will probably be some implementation similar to that in an actual release. As of now, the new versions are 'previews', that means he's experimenting, and letting us experiment with what he's made, but it's not finalized yet. He will probably be working on a way to implement the attributes into the GUI, or put them in some kind of drop-down list like you said.
Steve, thank you for letting out these preview versions. They're really great and allow those that want to access the wonderful new features much ahead of time which is awesome.
I look forward to your updates!
(Shhhh, no positive feedback, if we are negative he could come out with something much more awesome)
I am looking forward to your next release; I am sure you will come out with something really cool.
lol, i feel my post was the warrant for this thread :-[. haha, sorry.
I, Too, agree with that, but i love that there actually IS a menu, because i am terrible with anything ASL, never even tried to write any...
I actually much more enjoy using attributes than just v0.95 anim8or materials...
So basicly, better to have the ability to use it, and getting quick demo releases, than having to wait ages just for a drop down box.
Yeah, Loving the Attributes Steve.
I think it's kinda cool to have to type in the attributes - It's fun to learn new things.
One day I'll learn to code - Once I understand a few things I can really take off and have fun.
I was trying to come up with some code to cause the lights to change color during the scene without having to change it every few second in the scene.
I was trying to come up with some code to cause the lights to change color during the scene without having to change it every few second in the scene.
Did you manage it ?
Else, you can use a controler (Edit > Controler > New > color) for your light and add keys to the time line where you want to change the light ;)
I too like the new attribute feature it is quite neat and can't wait till further releases on it.
(Now I know how it is going to change)
Steven, I have no problem using the attributes as they are ( no matter how time consuming and memorizing it takes.) And understand that dialogs takes time to make. Take your time. I just wish there was ASL function calls to create presets ( Like a metal materials )
This would make things a little easier on people trying to learn anim8or and yourself. Someone could create a preset for people they can change later.
mat.SetSpecularReflection ( x as Bool )
mat.SetDielectric (x as Bool , IOR as float,[distance as float] )
Would something like this be just as hard as setting up dialogs? Or is there is something in ASL that can already do that, that I am unaware of ?
Yes I use key frame to change light colors. Just being lazy and looking for a faster way.
I don't think this is the place to discuss this topic.
hey, it's been a while since i was here...i think the attributes are awesome!!Keep up the good work man....Can't wait to actually say " I have anim8or; the full version" But i'll be patient for that.....:)
Anyone? Is there a tutorial that shows how attributes can be used? Also, am I right in saying attributes are not used in scene scripts? Seems like that would be one way to set global scene variables that scripts could use for conditional execution.
If you need to know how to use attributes, try downloading the sample files from the ART Raytracer ( page. If you need to use attributes from ASL, just look into the ASL specification (, there are a few methods that make it possible to read attribute values.
ASL scripting in the scene mode is very restricted though and it is not possible to access scene attributes from scripts...
when you actually add dialogs, will the feature concerned still use attributes in the file, or will you be creating new chunk types?
Deepthought, I haven't decided on this yet. It's a lot of code to add everything specifically in a dialog. Attributes will always be supported because they are a way that anyone can extend the semantics without Anim8or having to change, but some of them (such as those used by the ray tracer) make more sense in dialogs.
The add new attribute function is awesome.
Ippena, glad you like it :)
whoa, wtf, working on anim8or again?
I retired Oct 1 and have a bit more time now. I'm currently restructuring the web site (almost done) and updating the manual to include the new features. Then a new release (not preview) called v0.98.
( Awesome Steve.
and congrats on your retirement. Well done. (
Congratulations Steve on your retirement, happy days and good health for the future.
I retired Oct 1 and have a bit more time now. I'm currently restructuring the web site (almost done) and updating the manual to include the new features. Then a new release (not preview) called v0.98.
Great news Steve, congrats!!! Aren't you too young to retire ? :)
Too young to retire? When I was born Truman was president. Besides it's the only way to find any time to work on Anim8or :)
Lol, so one door shuts and another one opens :) Yes I've read about Truman. He was the one after George Washington? You are holding your age well Steve. :) Looking forward to seeing what the future holds for anim8or! Cheers from Oz!