Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: The Great Noob on September 24, 2008, 04:04:12 pm

Title: Anim8or/Panda3D problem
Post by: The Great Noob on September 24, 2008, 04:04:12 pm
I've been experimenting with Anim8or and Panda3D and I've got a problem.

Here are the exact steps I take:

1. make the model in anim8or

2. export to Wavefront(.obj) format

3. import into *blegh* blender (I'm NOT capitalizing the b!)

4. export to DirectX(.x) format

5. type the necessary code to load the model and make it visible:

Code: [Select]
import direct.directbase.DirectStart

head = loader.loadModel("models/head.x")


the model shows but the materials don't ???.

Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Anim8or/Panda3D problem
Post by: thecolclough on September 24, 2008, 04:43:41 pm
apparently, when you save a .obj, the materials aren't saved in the .obj file itself, but in an accompanying .mtl file.  anim8or 0.95 doesn't support .mtl files, so if you're still using 0.95, you might want to consider upgrading, as anim8or 0.97 does support .mtl at least for import, i'm not sure if it also exports that format but it could be worth your while to have a look at it.

of course, if you're already using 0.97 then i'm stumped...
Title: Re: Anim8or/Panda3D problem
Post by: mcheccyb on September 24, 2008, 04:46:59 pm
whats wrong with blender?
Title: Re: Anim8or/Panda3D problem
Post by: The Great Noob on September 24, 2008, 05:00:07 pm
whats wrong with blender?

I can't for the life of me figure out how to use it.

apparently, when you save a .obj, the materials aren't saved in the .obj file itself, but in an accompanying .mtl file.  anim8or 0.95 doesn't support .mtl files, so if you're still using 0.95, you might want to consider upgrading, as anim8or 0.97 does support .mtl at least for import, i'm not sure if it also exports that format but it could be worth your while to have a look at it.

of course, if you're already using 0.97 then i'm stumped...

as far as i know i'm on 0.97.

I think I found the problem. .x format does not support materials. Let me do a quick test, I'll update soon

EDIT: Ah-ha! Panda3D shows TEXTURES by default and when going through blender the materials become shaders! I just need to find out how to change this.

EDIT 2 ATTACK OF THE EDITS!: OK so I am using 0.95 but i can't find the link to download 0.97. Where is it?

Title: Re: Anim8or/Panda3D problem
Post by: Darkjesture on September 24, 2008, 05:26:58 pm
I thought it only saved .mtl when you made materials(it does for me)
Title: Re: Anim8or/Panda3D problem
Post by: almost cool on September 27, 2008, 01:53:51 pm
U doin this for our project?if so virtual hug,second,if u havent,try posting on the panda 4ems.
Title: Re: Anim8or/Panda3D problem
Post by: The Great Noob on October 03, 2008, 11:32:16 pm
U doin this for our project?if so virtual hug,second,if u havent,try posting on the panda 4ems.

Yes I'm trying to learn Panda3D so we can at least throw together betas.