Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on September 24, 2008, 03:01:24 pm
Ok, just made this out of boredom, anything i could do to improve it?
A few things i can think of:
Less reflective blue box, looks transparent (Need help with attributes)
And possibly tiling the walls aswell.
C+C Appreciated Muchly.
I was going for the polished, crystal, shiny look with the tiles... think i might need to change them a little bit.
would maybe look a bit more realistic if the lid was leaning a bit forward. and maybe give it a.. uhm, a fold on the end of the lid.. like this:
Yeah... I thought it looked a bit rigid... and static.
Gonna wait till i've improved it a few times before rendering again.
Also, any idea how i can get a very shiny whitish, bleached look?
The material properties:
amb: 0.300
diff: 0.700
spec: 0.200
emm: 0.000
rough: 32
brill: 1
I don't use materials much
the gaps between the tiles are a bit deep. i'd suggest making them narrower, and maybe also grouting them. maybe also give the walls a different texture to the floor, or at least a different colour.
i also agree it would be good to make the box less shiny.
not a bad start, though ;)
- c
Grouting? I'm not up with all the technical terms :P
At the moment i like the curve on the tiles... might just be a difference of taste.
Every comment helps.
grout is the stuff you use to fill the gaps between tiles -
i've helped my dad with a few DIY jobs that involved tiling floors and walls, so that's how i picked up that little piece of terminology ::)
anyway, back to the topic: i think, if it's just a display space, then the big gaps do give it a good stylistic edge, but if it's a space where people are expected to do practical stuff, then the gaps could present a serious trip hazard. or maybe i'm just being too nitpicky now... :P ;D
- c
Hehe, it's just basic display for now, lets just say that... the cube arrived there of it's own accord, and speak no more of it. ;)
Can anyon give any advice with the brightness?
Or should i have any lights in there...
Added an infinite light, and a local light inside the box, I also improved the lid, looks a lot better:
Oh, and here's something i rendered at the start, but the orange looked a bit... odd:
Have a try with this
amb: 0.500
diff: 0.900
spec: 0.700
emm: 0.000
rough: 8
brill: 2
color : R 122 G 97 B 1 gives you a nice gold/copper tone
The color is of your own choice of course ;D
You could put 1 local light in there and adjust the strenght with Settings >> Lighting
Well... it certainly made it more reflective...
getting better and better... that last one looks really ethereal, almost as if you could wander around in that space, and find your destiny written on something inside one of the many boxes. the misty effect probably has something to do with it. 8)
Yeah, it seems that there's more than one way to create fog in anim8or...
Can anyone explain why that happens? The foggy look?
You may blind me with technical terms, and mathematical Mumbo Jumbo, but It's always good to learn something new.
Image decay with the reflection in cluding the local light gives the appearance of the dream world. If you take out the local light it might change the whole look. But I wouldn't do that, it looks nice as it is.
Ah, thanks for the explanation, i think i will eventually end up rendering a... 1600 x 1200 version... just to see how far it stretches.
Well i don't want to create a new thread, and these seem to fit here:
3D Joe Wiltshire, a blue box? Are you a David Lynch fan?
Well no, not really, but I just googled it, are you talking about 'Mullholland Dr'?
It looks like the type of film i'd want to watch, is it any good.
A mysterious blue box... hehe, accidentally making a reference there...
So to sum it all up, no I wasn't a fan of david lynch, but now, I may become one, if things go in my favour, and I Manage to see that film.
Yes I was. It's one of my favorite films (but then I'm a very big David Lynch fan). Be warned that it's extremely nonlinear and a little bit obtuse. Makes the time-line of Pulp Fiction seem simple.
Oh, I love non linear and confusing, ever read dirk gently? or Stark (Ben Elton)?
They seemed to be... non linear...
The harder to understand the better.
(also as a random thing i've noticed on the subject of confusing films, none of my female friends understood the Matrix... which I find a bit od :P)
Anyone else get that?
(also as a random thing i've noticed on the subject of confusing films, none of my female friends understood the Matrix... which I find a bit od :P)
Anyone else get that?
I don't even know a girl who has seen the whole film! They all said it was to confusing and quit halfway ;D
Also if you like confusing, non linear movies, try out memento. This film is complety backwards, very confusing but a great film.
Hmm, i'll try to see these films some day :P