Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Guilherme Amorim on September 24, 2008, 01:11:03 pm
;D I really love reproduce real things in 3D...
But I'm not the kind of guy that is good on it x)
And a lot of times i just put my works to side and forget it
BUT now I'll try to no to that x)
Here is a piece :)
( (
What do you think?
Very nice, looks very regal.
Beautiful !
It looks almost like the piece I play with :)
very good - are you planning to make the rest of the set too?
and could i ask what material and render settings you used? it has a really nice glowy feel which i've never been able to achieve.
The shadows look excellent! I take it that you're using a lower value for the main section of the shadow, but you also used some lights with much higher values. It gives you a very nice realistic effect. I may have to try it for myself sometime!
I also like the basic, yet distinct horizon, it definitely adds depth.
Thanks, I thought It was too simple :D
very good - are you planning to make the rest of the set too?
and could i ask what material and render settings you used? it has a really nice glowy feel which i've never been able to achieve.
I did this piece some months (one or two) ago so I can't say if I used the glow effect of =\
but I'm a bit sure that I did
And yes, I'll try to do whole set :)
Here's one direct from ani8or:
( (
( (
if someone get a little hint to the material to the black pieces, I would be grateful, the one I made is too dark
I'm putting the .an8 file here if you want to see the settings ;)
Aw, actualy, there are four lights, infinite, one coming from bottom(to represent the reflect of the ground, making shadow), another from up, the shadow is soft 100, and two in diagonal, in in the same position, one creating a shadow soft 20, and a normal volume shadow(I think it needs to be changed to raytrace to appear now)
For your black piece you might try
amb 2
diffuse 1
spec 0.5
em 0
rough 30
brilliance 1
R 17 G 17 B 17 or a bit less but more than 0
For your black piece you might try
amb 2
diffuse 1
spec 0.5
em 0
rough 30
brilliance 1
R 17 G 17 B 17 or a bit less but more than 0
Perfect! Thank you!
Well made but I don't think ART supports fog yet though scanline still does
Perfect! Thank you!
You're most welcome :)
WOW, that's wicked sick! :o (excuse my skate talk)
it looks pretty high poly.(im nudging towards 'Wire frame?')
Were the ridges actually extruded, modeled (i mean vertex by vertex), or a texture?
and lastly, how long have you been using anim8or?
Three parentheses,a new record.
Well made but I don't think ART supports fog yet though scanline still does
No, but I'll use ART without showing the background xD
Perfect! Thank you!
You're most welcome :)
WOW, that's wicked sick! :o (excuse my skate talk)
it looks pretty high poly.(im nudging towards 'Wire frame?')
Were the ridges actually extruded, modeled (i mean vertex by vertex), or a texture?
and lastly, how long have you been using anim8or?
Three parentheses,a new record.
I'm not sure I understood you:
"(im nudging towards 'Wire frame?')"
Actually they are extruded, and the I converted it to subdivided to make it smoth
Almost a year :P
Anim8or is the first 3D modeller I have ever used.
I learning yet, this is the best model I did, coz before I used to worry just with lights and shadows (using downloaded models ).
Great camera angle and and I'm with hiho the shadows look the biz.
Very nice
I did the last piece today, the horse, it's horrible xD
and Rook (or Hook),aw... the "tower"! is horrible too
The "tower" I can fix, but the horse is a problem, I'm a very bad modeller xDD
Finally, whole set rendered, took 10 hours and 10 mins of my life :o
I can say that the problem is that every piece is subdivided xD
Lighting 1 and 2
AA enabled 64
18 objects (8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 horses, 2 bishops, 1 queen and 1 king)
A lot of faces
AmbientOccluder Enabled
This is the horse Poly, if someone can help make it better, I'd be grateful xD
Nice model but there a few things in the geometry that could use some work.
Well, first of all: why did you used so much tri's? You could merge alot of them together and make quads. Especially the middel part. Take a look at the image I attached. The tri's you used for the head are good, but the ones in the middle are sloppy.
wow, now it's better \o/
I think it just needs a Texture, but I can find it :D
I shouldn't use an texture, maybe a bumpmap/specmap but no texture. I like the material you have now, it's clean. A texture might ruin it. It could use a slight glossy attribute, to make it more 'shinny'.
Good work. It must have taken you a while to model. Have you thought about joining the Anim8or Movie project as they are looking for anim8or with your ability. I am part of the project, I am the leader of the partner, Goldline Pictures.
We intend to help render, promote, advertise the project as well as anything else they throw at us.
But I really like the chess set, it does look like a real life set, that you have taken a photo of, did you use a set to help you model?
Good work. It must have taken you a while to model. Have you thought about joining the Anim8or Movie project as they are looking for anim8or with your ability. I am part of the project, I am the leader of the partner, Goldline Pictures.
We intend to help render, promote, advertise the project as well as anything else they throw at us.
But I really like the chess set, it does look like a real life set, that you have taken a photo of, did you use a set to help you model?
I used a photo that I found in the internet
this one:
Me, ability? lol
seriouly? :o
And about joining the project, well ,maybe!
but I'm out about it, I don't nothing about this project, there's a post or a site that I can take some infos?
Thx again!
We can always use more people at the anim8or movie project, here are the two sites for more info: and
I did the last piece today, the horse, it's horrible xD
i'm sorry to say, i have to agree. i can't help thinking it looks more like a drunken llama than a horse :P
well, the neck bit isn't too bad, but the muzzle and ears just don't look right at all. it sort of looks like you've got multiple polys intersecting each other in some places. maybe use a reference image or two?
- c
great job. ;D
small note that the lighting is a little hot :P
I did the last piece today, the horse, it's horrible xD
i'm sorry to say, i have to agree. i can't help thinking it looks more like a drunken llama than a horse :P
well, the neck bit isn't too bad, but the muzzle and ears just don't look right at all. it sort of looks like you've got multiple polys intersecting each other in some places. maybe use a reference image or two?
- c
sincerity hurts :D
I liked this description, "drunken llama" xDDDDDDDDDDDD
Well, I'll try to find two references Images( Front and Side).
Thanks for your opnion ;D
great job. ;D
small note that the lighting is a little hot :P
I realized that after the process of redering, but after 10 hours, I did not want to wait all again :-X
awesome work!