Anim8or Community
General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: neirao on September 21, 2008, 03:04:29 pm
hello all,
my list of ideas for anim8or, ::)
Sorry my english,
Neirão - Brazil
Those are really good ideas and it's very clear what you mean. I like the basic materials idea, saves alot of time on changing the value and rerendering your scene several times to look if it looks fine. A preview of how the material would look rendered is very helpfull.
Same goes for the figure mode suggestions: getting your bones lined up so that they are perfectly mirrored is a hard thing to do. A mirror functions would solve this. And having more then ten bones makes it a pain in the ass to set all the join limits.
The free hand select tool would be helpfull. Sometimes you forget a face or two when painting weights, but with such a tool this will be over. Such a tool would also be helpfull in object mode.
neirao, these are all good ideas. I have a question about #5. What values so I show for the new X,Y,Z axis locations in the Figure editor? The bones are always shown not rotated in the Figure editor - i.e. with a value of 0 for all joint rotations. In the Scequence editor I know what values to use, the current frames angle of rotation.
I don't think you need to specify which axis to mirror the bones by. I think you can simply use the (unselected) parent bone's coordinate system as the basis to reflect the bones.
yes Steve..
realy dont need specify the axis...for mirror..
Steve thanks for answer me..ok :D
about previous answer...
i made the sample for try show to you, why is need to user INPUT ROTATION.... i hope then undestand...
thank you...
sorry my english..
Neirao - Brazil
OK I think I see. That make sense. In the Figure Editor the angles represent how far the child bone's coordinate system is rotated relative to it's parents. In the Sequence editor they represent how the joint angle's rotation relative to the bone's own coordinate system. (Nice visual descriptions :-)
I hope that every single one of then are implemented into anim8or
(I really like the material and weight brush one ;))
I like how you use pictures to get the point across.
You get an A+ ;)
i agree, these ideas are all excellent. the best one is the one about being able to manually key in rotation values for figure and sequence modes. on a related point: i've also found that snap-to-grid doesn't seem to affect bone rotation in figure mode. this can be pretty annoying when i'm trying to build a machine and i need absolute precision.
well, nice one, neirao ;)
Thanks so much for all posts about my list...!!! :D
i hope then in future Steve can implemented into anim8or ;)
Hi Steve and All,
is possible in future able anim8or for Import "adobe ilustrator (.ai)" or image vetor..for to maker logos complexs in 3D??
Is cool modeling objects in anim8or using free-hand modeling..but sometimes there very complex logo and work is do..
Folow sample using a "simple" logo, i show like I made for converter..
but are necessary 5 steps for do this...
sorry my english ok! ::)
neirao, I've added a bone mirror command. It mirrors groups of selected bones by the X axis of their (unselected) parent. I've also added the rotation parameters fields similar to what you show. You can only change their values in the Sequence editor if they are key positions for the current frame - or if animation is enabled. I'll be posting a quick update as soon as I fix the stereo render crash bug. It also allows any bone in a Figure to be used for skinning, not just descendents.
I don't plan on adding any more inpur formats at this time. There are dozens and dozens of them and I think thre are more important things to do to Anim8or at this time. If I did add one it would probably be the .x format and not any 2D formats. As you have show there are many ways to get these formats into Anim8or it just takes an extra step.
(BTW nice visual descriptions :))
yes, thank you neiro for the suggestion.
and thank you steve for implementing it.
Hi Steve good afternoon! :D
Thanks a lot for including some of my ideas! I know that to insert all they would take much time and work in the programming… at any cost I am very happy to include these that cited!
thanks a lot exactly! ;)
and thank all ! ;)
Neirão - Brazil
neirao, I've added a bone mirror command. It mirrors groups of selected bones by the X axis of their (unselected) parent. I've also added the rotation parameters fields similar to what you show.
excellent 8) i'm looking forward to this release already!
One thing I'd like to see is the ability to rotate as you are adding and stretching a bone. ( of course I havent played with bones in quite a while.... maybe already possible? hmmmm
Do you mean rorating the bone you just created? That's already possible: use this button ( in figure mode.
I know what you mean....I don;t think it's possible yet.
What he means is to drag the end of the bone, creating it, rotating it, and scaling it all at the same time.
Something I just stumbled over.
I detatched quite a view faces for some further editing and was left with the original mesh having a lot of "empty" lines.
Deleting those lines is not really that much of a hastle but since they are shown in different colours I suspect that the data is somewhere in the program already to do something like "select all edges with 0 faces connected".
Deleting those lines is not really that much of a hastle but since they are shown in different colours I suspect that the data is somewhere in the program already to do something like "select all edges with 0 faces connected".
This can be easily done using ASL. I've already written a plugin that does something like this, check it out (12th post in that topic): (
The plugin will delete every "empty" line and also every point that doesn't have any faces attached. If you only want to select those lines instead of deleting them, let me know and I'll edit the code for you.
hi Steve and all! Good evening!
i know then you is work hard, but i need post MORE this two sugestions, who knows in the future can be implemented in Anim8or.. ::)
Steve, in some cases we need move points/edge/faces etc..
but need to have the the object as REFERENCE
while we make this...
I try show examples...
i´m try before this way: Copy object of "morph01" and Paste in "morph02"...but..dont work... :-[
i hope then you understands this sugestions ok ::)
Sorry my english,
Thank you so Much!! :D
Great idea.
May I suggest you group the object you want locked? Then you won't be able to move the verticies etc unless you use the arrow keys.
Second suggestion is good also. You can do this in morphenvy.
You make yourt first object.
Make a morph target with this object.
Copy this object while it is in morph state.
Paste it into a new object and you will find you have pasted your morphed object (ie target), not the original.
Keep going for as many morphs as you like.
Then use morphenvy to combine them into one object with a lot of different morph targets.
Remember morphenvy is dos based ? so use simple names
hi headwax, :)
the Morphenvy i some cases dont work..
i try use in some figure used in my previos post..but dont work..
in other yes..he work...
- One the BIGs QUALITYs in Anim8or is the mode EASY to modeling,
mys suggestions is only for increase this power.
thank you so much! :D
Again a lot of very cool ideas Neirao!
I'm really looking forward for the next release of Anim8or.
thank Francesco! ;)
i hope then in the future Steve can implement this too...
Hi neirao
Pity you have trouble with morphenvy!
The only problems I ever had was when I named objects files whatever with too long names or incorrectly.
It's a good program
but the Morphenvy dont work with "subdivided meshes", right?
i try too, after convert the objects in mesh..but don´t work..too..
file name = teste.an8
object name= ob1
target object = ob2
The morph is made, but is like "none"... :(
PS: i made download of version:
Morphenvy 1.1 ---- Christian Storay ---- May 8th, 2006
thank you! ;)
The lock/unlock idea sounds great. I would also include with this colored wireframes to indicate the state and as seporation of the objects.
As for the second suggestion. you should not need more than one of a specific morph.
To close the mouth, just reverse your effects/
Open mouth - close mouth.
Open mouth - open wider - cloaw mouth
First note that close mouth IS your original object. thus an actual "close mouth" is not really needed.
if you have "open wider" set as it's own morph from original object, then you can easily reverse Open mouth at the same time "Open wider".
If you have not done so, check out my tutorial on morphs. As simple as it is, it will give you a very good understanding on how morphs work and can be applied
I like the lock/unlock myself :D
aha :)
sounds like I am wrong! (But I am never wrong! So how can that be ;) )
I'll run it through this afternoon.
Hi VBSmiles, :)
I will try to explain again because this tool would be very useful…ok.. ;)
in morph03..morph04, morph05 etc....
I wait that they obtain to understand. .ok.
Please...sorry my english okkkk ::)
I kind of see what you are refering to now
The idea is to get a good trasition from morph to morph, independant of any paticular morph created. This in fact requires the original object and cannot be readily changed. The "referance" MUST be "none". or morphs wont work the way they should.
However. There may be a way that can be implemented to "copy" a morph already created to speed up your modeling in the next morph, yet still retaining the original object as the referance.
To those that do scripting ( something I havent had the time to do myself yet ) this might be a good project ;)
However. I would not pass up the oppritunity to better understand morphs clearly by example. The only advantage to starting from an already created morph might be modeling speed, and will not always be the case.
yes, no aways is necessary, for this continue the option --none-- as default, but have MORE situations then is necessarity..
i think for Steve implement this is easy...
in programation only in the place of Anim8or Software
get "none" as reference place our "choose" in new morph tool..
Thank you!
Just a quick reply to your morpheny problem.
You are right morphenvy only works with mesh. Specifically with an object that has a mesh named "mesh01". In your example you posted your object is made of several meshes. Mesh01 in this case being the left eye, which is why you see no change when you apply the morphtarget - as the eye has no change. If you check out the size of the two objects you'll find that though they bhave same number of points one is actually a larger file than the other.
Going to simple sphere as an example you will have no problems. It also works with extruded splines that are form paths that have the same number of verticies. There isn't any problem if you subdivide in animator after making the morph targets.
Anyways, that's enough from me ;).
Advice is to make sure you have mesh01 as the original object and the morphtarget and you will have no problems.
here is your file with the two head elements eperated and renamed mesh01
I have made a new morph target in the object named '2".
If you go to the object named "1" and try out morph target "wer" you'll find it is the same as objevt '2' which is what I used as the original target for morph envy.
copy and paste changes the original object ;) (thus why it doesnt work in "morpheny" ) Though this is assumption, since I know nothing of the program
That a good suggestion neirao. It's will be easier to make little adjustments to morphs. If you just what one of the point to be moved for example, you don;t have to move all the other points.
Great ideas as usual, neirao. (I like the way you present them too. As they say, a picture is worth a couple of killo-bytes.) The lock-object and relative morph ideas should be fairly easy to add.
I'm working on a much more complex feature now - mirrored meshes. Everything that you do to edit a mesh is reflected in both halves when mirroring is enabled. Turning it on deletes the left half and repaces it with a mirror of the right. You'd just do that once at the start. Then edit your model and see the mirrored result as you go. It requires that I change each and every one of the point editing functions so it's taking a while. It'll be really cool when it's done, I hope.
Very cool Steve :)
uh.... what if you wanted to keep the left half? :P
Hi Steve and All!!
thank so much!
look this other sample of use of both suggestions...
Sorry for send much suggestions ok ::),
is because when i am using Anim8or i feel lack of some tools to facilitate the modeling...
exactly thus Anim8or is the modeller most easy and best to use that I know ;)
years behind I already had some of these ideas,
for I to like very Anim8or now I only decided to send to you ..
Sorry my english..
Muito Obrigado!! = thank so much!! :D
Neirão Brazil
that's great news steve!
i've always loved that tool in other programs, you've been working really hard to get anim8or competing with other professional 3d packages, and i (and I'm sure many others) really appreciate all the great work you put in.
;D *thumbs up*
You have great suggestions, Neirão. And I love the way you illustrate them :)
Between bone mirroring and realtime mesh mirroring the next release of anim8or will be hugely useful for me. That gets a "Yay Steve!" I've been doing my mesh mirroring by selecting opposing points and using the Non-Uniform Scale mode to move them around, so having an integrated function to do this will be quite the blessing. :D
Yes, I liked Neirao's ideas about locking objects.
Actually, in maya there is a similar feature whereby you get different colors for different meshes and you can work on each mesh as a different 'LAYERS" when other meshes remain locked and with different colors. You can activate any or all meshes at any given time.
It will be great to incorporate such a feature in anim8or.
Hah, you are a lot better at displaying suggestions than me :P.
Anyway, great ideas :P.
I think what VBsmiles suggested with regards to morphs makes sense. You already have a context menu for "New...", "Edit...", and "Delete..." morph. Why not simply add a menu item to "Copy..." morph? After showing a dialog box to name the copied morph, the user can just change the copy leaving the original in tact. Both copy and original can then be based on None.
We can already do this by simply creating a "New" morph, exporting the file to .an8 format. Edit that file by coping other morph targets' into the newly created morph target section. Then import the file.
Great Program Steve. I like being able to manipulate the .an8 files to find solutions to unimplemented features. I look forward to the mirroring capabilities you are adding.
i would find it helpful if it was possible to move individual points while in scene mode, rather than making like 30 morphs for each expression of a face. it would take a ton longer to make an animation, but the quality would look alot more organic, than having reused morphs. then it would be possible to add organic imperfections within the scene. or if you are making something that changes around alot like water for example, it could be more flexible than using morphs or bones.
Hi there ADSohr,
Have you tried the graph editor in Scene mode.?
1 morph can give a variety of different results, and you can adjust them in real time, so you can get it just how you want it.
Absoloutley cool.
Just like to say that this is a really interesting thread.
Gr8 to hear from Steve too. :D
yes, i've used the graph editor. it's that the morphs overlap and that can sometimes make udesirable results.
but i'm an absolute perfectionist, so it may just be my mindset
What i really like about anim8ors morphing system is that you have complete control over what goes on, without being restricted by any preset 'choice' type arrangement.
If a face has (eg)300 points, you could probably add 3 morph tagets to each point. ie: point1 3morphs: moveon x axis, moveon y axis, moveon z axis. point 2.. etc..
This of course is all very tongue in cheek. Setting it up with 900 morph targets just isn't practical. But its possible! (unless there is a limit i'm unaware of. I've had about 40 on 1 object).
What i'm trying to say is that, it's open for tweeks and workarounds. ;)
I made this a few years ago, not long after morphs were introduced.
I'm sure it can be done a lot better than that in anim8or, with a bit more time and effort spent.
Sometimes, making undesirable results can lead to something new. :)
But moving on: Theres a thread here that you mite find interesting. I don't know how to get the link for it, but its a thread in the Anim8or Forum General Category > ASL Scripts > SCRIPT REQUEST: Object to Influence points (with tutor in IMAGES) by Neirao
so a very rudimentary form of the harmonics implemented here?
that would be a great thing in Anim8or as well, since it would be morphs that are directly editable in scene mode without needing to make hundreds of different preset morphs. quite similer to bone influence, only an exoskeleton version using points. :)
i do understand the workaround that you mentioned. which would give as much control over the points as being able to move them in scene mode, however tedious it might be to make those hudreds of morphs. i guess i'll use that for now.
Hey steve, if you're still getting on. The one I'd really like see would be the bone mirroring.
One Word.
ZBrush is only for midelling, it seems.
transparent reference images would be useful.
a trick you can do is make a simple plane then add your reference image as a texture. apply it to the plane and then you can use transperancy because its a texture and not an imported reference image.
a trick you can do is make a simple plane then add your reference image as a texture. apply it to the plane and then you can use transperancy because its a texture and not an imported reference image.
Yes, this is the simple and fast enough way. And if it's possible, why to add something new? And as you know, to add even a simplest and most little function needs a lot of code. And the thing for which Anim8or stands out is his simplicity. You have all that you need ( just some minore things needed ) and the only thing that you have to do is to use your imagination. That's why Anim8or, although it contains modeling,rigging,animation,renders, it's only 2mb size O_o. I think must be created a topic in the Anim8or v.0.97 Preview Forum which will contain the "really must have" features which all users,teamwise, will decide to add. And the most important is render time, I meen to speed up the renders, especially the ART. One other is the mirror bones in figure mode.