Anim8or Community
General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: 3Dgeek11 on September 18, 2008, 01:26:32 am
Today, I was rendering in the newest version 0.97c. It was only 18 frames, when it got to 15 it closed the program without warning!
Then I brought it back up to se if it did it again, I tried the same thing and this time it closed on the 2nd or 3rd frame... ???
Then I went into 0.95 and it worked perfect! :-\
I was just reporting this.
Feel free to discuss. ;)
See you peoples. :)
Upload the file so Steve can take a look at it. :P it is how things are fixed.
Did you use the same codec both times?
And did you use the September 9 build or the September 10 build?
What OS are you using? Is multithreaded rendeing on? What codec and image size? Also I can't do anything about this without the .an8 project.
Just a note that in windows vista, rendering can show up outside the program's window, and seems to loose resources in ram, though I have not verified such. The program often crashes without any apearent reasoning. ( thus my theory of resource leakage )
This is even after running in xp mode AND running it without descktop composition
Am hopeful that this is helpful to Steven in some way as well as those using vista.
Interestingly...... no problems occur when in full screen and no other windows open.
VBSmiles - Anything being drawn outside the Anim8or window is a driver bug. There is no way that Anim8or can do that on it's own. What graphics chip do you have?
Just curious with Vista causing lots of problems with running Anim8or how will it fare when the new Windows 7 is released ?
Glad Vista is being dumped!
Well, I heard its going to have an incredibly small Kernel (few hundred Kb's), but have the 'Vista look', so that would mean low RAM requirements but messed up graphics still.
Of course, I got this information awhile ago, so they might have updated (more accurate) information on the MS site.
BTW: we're being a little off-topic so maybe we should stop...
well i dont think that windows 7 is coming out till 2010 and why cant they just patch vista?
You mean like another Service Pack?
Easy, making an OS based on Vista (but better), and selling it as something completely different means more money for Microsoft.
They have to give Service Packs for free.
VBSmiles - Anything being drawn outside the Anim8or window is a driver bug. There is no way that Anim8or can do that on it's own. What graphics chip do you have?
When I render 1024x768 the image goes off screen - Is that alright or is that a bug
I use Nvidia 6600
That's alright, it normally does that. Steve has implemented the possibility to move the image around so you can see what's happening in the next version which isn't out yet. I believe this will only work in multithread mode.
I though you ment it drew on the desktop or another apps window. If it's too big to be seen that that's just the way Anim8or works today.
VBSmiles - Anything being drawn outside the Anim8or window is a driver bug. There is no way that Anim8or can do that on it's own. What graphics chip do you have?
Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Mobile
I though you ment it drew on the desktop or another apps window. If it's too big to be seen that that's just the way Anim8or works today.
hehe, must have got my posting mixed with someone elses. Yes it IS drawing on other apps windows and desktop
I havent had a chance to respond until now, sorry for any inconvienence.
"Intel Graphics" for their chipsets are by far the buggiest drivers in existance. However they are gertting better and are fixing problems like this one. The only advice I can give is to try updating your driver (or buy an NVIDIA chip next time but you might think I was biased since I work there :))
Na, I know it has problems. Can't even run a spyder 2 express properly. ( color calibration tool ) I have to do it manually ::)
Vista's so called "color management" doesn't do dittaly squat on this computer.
NVIDIA are actually the cards I love. Just wasnt thinking when I bought this lappy.