Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: SpireSF on September 16, 2008, 06:23:14 pm
Meh...basically this is what I've been working on lately. It's not done yet (there's still quite a bit I need to do on it) but here is what I've got together thus far. The concept is that the little magic symbols rise up in the air, spin around, and go back down again.
I also made the mistake of animating it out thinking that it would render out as fast as it played in anim8or. >.<
Any feedback you guys can give is greatly appreciated.
well, i know you said in the youtube description "ignore the little black balls", but... what are the little black balls? are you using them instead of targets?
about the speed... i thought it could have done with running faster. if you're having probs because it plays faster in anim8or than it does in the render, then go View > Preferences, and make sure Limit Playback is checked. it's in the bottom-left corner of the Pref panel, and i think it's turned off by default in new projects. turning it on will limit the in-anim8or play speed, and make sure it's no faster than the render.
but, cool concept. i love the minimalist material and lighting design, and i'm looking forward to seeing a more polished version of the animation later on. stick with it - you have the makings of an extremely funky clip here! 8)
- colclough
Thanks...Yeah, I was feeling lazy, so I made black balls to serve as targets...I forgot to make them transparent though before I rendered lol. Thanks a lot for the advice on fixing it...The speed had looked a lot better in animator (especially near the end, it looked quite a bit smoother).