Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: aGMuser on September 13, 2008, 02:40:10 am
How to export a model as .obj - is there any needed routine?Or you just draw a sphere and export it as "sphere.obj"?
.......... you just draw a sphere and export it as "sphere.obj"?
That's correct, why don't you give it a try ? ;)
And only this?Nothing else?Its too easy to believe it 8)
That's all there is: make an model and export.
Ummm... actually isnt so easy.I saved a sphere as a .obj and when I open it:
header {
version { "0.95" }
build { "2007.04.02" }
environment {
grid { 1 10 50 50 }
framerate { 24 }
object { "object01"
sphere {
name { "sphere01" }
material { " -- default --" }
diameter { 30 }
geodesic { 3 }
And when I open REAL .obj file:
# Object "rforearm2":
# ComRec:
g mesh02
# No. points 27:
v -0.80697 -22.7225 19.2589
v -0.94976 -23.167 17.8237
v -0.51010 -3.01147 10.9216
v -0.24252 -2.5212 12.3014
v 0.20668 -3.5345 9.65035
v 0.41433 -3.00064 11.0302
v -0.29294 -23.6464 16.5526
v -0.62841 -26.1305 18.9273
v -0.15015 -23.202 17.9878
v -0.90468 -3.6804 11.0328
v 0.13302 -3.88961 10.313
v 1.68561 3.03719 9.15058
v 0.19484 6.03125 7.82846
v -1.39777 2.9569 8.60452
v -0.14545 3.41432 10.3136
# No. normals 108:
vn -0.83463 0.08149 0.54474
vn -0.84444 0.15930 0.51142
vn -0.52083 -0.36476 -0.77181
vn -0.52898 -0.33960 -0.77772
vn -0.65440 -0.42010 0.62871
vn -0.63861 -0.44725 0.62622
vn -0.58551 -0.37588 0.71825
vn 0.84031 -0.12119 -0.52838
vn 0.83783 -0.07972 -0.54008
vn 0.65674 0.42160 -0.62526
vn 0.65673 0.42161 -0.62526
vn 0.10148 0.65091 -0.75234
vn -0.47126 -0.84232 0.26155
vn -0.47126 -0.84232 0.26155
vn 0.53696 0.30130 0.78797
vn -0.90653 0.41999 0.04254
vn 0.10148 0.65091 -0.75234
vn 0.54583 0.27452 0.79165
vn -0.90653 0.41999 0.04254
# No. texture coordinates 32:
vt 0.78125 0.01563
vt 0.76563 0.89844
vt 0.56250 0.89844
vt 0.56250 0.01563
vt 0.53125 0.01563
vt 0.53125 0.02344
vt 0.51563 0.01563
vt 0.96875 0.89844
vt 0.21875 0.57031
vt 0 0.57031
vt 0.53125 0.07813
vt 0.40625 0.01563
vt 0.40625 0.07813
# No. faces 38:
f 3/1/42 2/2/41 1/3/39
f 3/1/42 1/3/39 4/4/44
f 6/5/50 5/6/47 3/7/43
f 6/5/50 3/7/43 4/6/46
f 7/8/52 2/2/41 3/1/42
f 7/8/52 3/1/42 5/9/49
f 27/29/106 24/27/98 25/26/101
f 25/26/100 26/27/105 27/29/108
f 23/5/94 24/30/97 26/31/104
f 26/31/104 24/30/97 27/32/107
How I can save a model as a .obj and make the model be saved as a .obj file, not .an8 one?
Once you export a model, it should be an .obj file (if you exported it as a wavefront file). You should be able to import this .obj file in other programs. I don't really understand the programming, but an .obj is an .obj file, to my opinion.
I don't really understand the programming, but an .obj is an .obj file, to my opinion.
No, it isnt.The extension is not so important as the content.You can open a jpeg file with notepad(dont you believe it?Try and find out)
If I save same that sphere as an an8 file and open it with notepad, Ill see exactly the same as what I saw in the .obj file.Anim8or can save it as .obj, even as .txt file, Im pretty sure, but the text in the save will be the same.
My question was how to make Anim8or to save the sphere as an .obj file and make it real .obj file.(now I doubt this is possible)
No, an ".obj" file isn't always the correct ".obj" format. I think what he is doing is simply renaming the file (in the "save as" box).
Anim8or is a little odd with this one, but the exporting isn't done in the save as box (in the same way as for other programs).
Instead, you have to go to the object menu, then 'export'. Change the file type using the drop-down menu, name it, click 'save'.
It WORKS! ;D Thanks.I didnt know how to export it, I thought it shoud be saved as.
It WORKS! ;D Thanks.I didnt know how to export it, I thought it shoud be saved as.
Well that explains alot.
Now just a minor question.Can I somehow export the animation, not capture in .avi and if I can, what format shoud be?
No, you can't. anim8or doesn't support export of animations, only static objects.
Ok, I found an alternative way.