Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: thecolclough on September 12, 2008, 12:23:55 pm
earlier today, after noticing how messy the welcome screen is on the Anim8or 0.97c preview, i started wondering, "what would the welcome screen look like if i was responsible for the anim8or GUI?".
when i tried to answer the question, the first thing i thought of was, "that robin should be in there somewhere...", followed quickly by "robin is red... yeah, red would be cool."
anyway, i started doodling in anim8or and GIMP.
and an hour or two later, here's what i came up with... what d'you think?
i've also attached a preview of what the piccy would look like in situ within the program, and you'll notice the text at the bottom of the window has been removed, as most of it has been incorporated into the image. makes it all look a bit tidier, i think.
- colclough
I love it!
Maybe in the background you can have various shapes that have attributes to show off the new art renderer
That would be a great comp
Yep - some shapes in the background with attributes.
Still good either way!
Nice stuff!
I'll vote for that first one. Very nicely done.
I wouldn't, no offense thecolclough, but it's a very simple image, showing Robin (I believe that's its name), and fog in the background.
An image with more complex objects (or at least a more complex Robin) would be better.
Raxx made a pretty sweet robin interpretation here (
this would be a good robin. Yes you can download it ;)
Tanxim wroteth:
wouldn't, no offense thecolclough, but it's a very simple image, showing Robin (I believe that's its name), and fog in the background.
An image with more complex objects (or at least a more complex Robin) would be better.
I can see whare you are coming at but I think the beauty is in the crisp simplicity.
I like it! It's simple but shows off Anim8or's advanced capabilities too. (At least from my level!)
Anim8or is the best 3-D making... uh, thing... that I could find!
i agree it's quite simple, but i was aiming for something... maybe not simple as such, but perhaps a bit cleaner than the current one. however, i do like rndrfox's idea of having some objects in the background (i think a row of spheres would do) with various materials that show off ART properties. only prob with that idea is, i can't remember if steve's fixed fog in ART yet (can't find it mentioned in the bug fix lists for 0.97b and 0.97c... maybe i'm not looking hard enough!), and i want to keep the fog.
i'll try and get round to doing an upgrade with the ART objects sometime ;)
anyways, thanks for the feedback everyone!
- colclough
Someday, you never know when, I'll get around to making a new spash screen. The current one is a bit old, I know.
Hey Steve, why not have a competition or something?
The best splash screen is used in the latest version of Anim8or.
Someday, you never know when, I'll get around to making a new spash screen. The current one is a bit old, I know.
Heh heh! Maybe that auspicious moment should be reserved for the much anticipated release of (cue angelic trumpets) "VERSION 1.0"!
thecolclough: I quite like your design, nice and simple, and with the robin and the checkerboard floor unmistakably Anim8or. The empty(ish) space to the robin's left (right of screen) could be used to display features from the latest version. Well done!
In all honesty I like it, its simple, good and its cool!
WOW! Looks very professional... hmm... can you give any tips on how to get a good looking uncrowded layout?
I'm doing Graphics in school, gcse, and it would probably help quite a bit.
Steve, could you make an option to turn the splash screen off? Anim8or could start much faster if the splash screen wouldnt delay it (right?). I'd like to start right away, without having to watch at a screen for 2 seconds first.
It's not really an issue, i'd just like the option.
If you want to skip the splash screen, click "mode>object" (or any other). You'll jump directly to the mode you selected instead of waiting for the splash screen to disappear.
i know, and i always do that when im in a hurry, but it would still be nice if it could be skipped altogether.....
Now you're just being picky. Something like the splash screen serves not just to show off some sort of graphic, it's crediting Steve for his work. It's the least he can ask of you.
Keep the splash screen - After all, it's free with the program. LOL!
He should have random splash screens that come up! That would be cool
Get the art form the users in this forum.
Great Idea!
thats what they do on art of illusion.
it's really cool.
thanks for all the feedback, everyone :)
i'll try and find time to do an upgrade on this someday...
can you give any tips on how to get a good looking uncrowded layout?
I'm doing Graphics in school, gcse, and it would probably help quite a bit.
sorry, joe, meant to reply to this earlier but it slipped through the net a bit...
i find one of the best things to do, to help an image stay looking clean and tidy, is to limit the number of shapes and colours you're working with. in this splash screen, you can see i've basically got rectangle shapes (including the rather squarish font), contrasting with the sphere which is Robin's body. that's basically it - rectangles and spheres. and in terms of the colour, it's all about red, white, and a few shades of grey, with a splash or two of yellow to liven it up. if you base your composition around 2 or 3 main shapes, and 2 or 3 main colours, that should help a lot to keep it looking tidy and coherent, even if it's actually a bit complex. the current splashscreen, by contrast, has all sorts of shapes and colours vying for your attention, which makes it harder to pick out a central focal area. you could write volumes about image composition (people have done, too), but if you want a simple, solid piece of advice to go with for keeping it uncrowded, this is probably one of the best tips out there. it's the one that does the most for me, anyway. hope it helps you too ;)
He should have random splash screens that come up! That would be cool
i like this idea. 8)
- colclough
Hadn't tought about the credit thing.......
ah well, he's got an entire community of Steve-fans behind him :-)
I don't think we have to worry about his name getting lost in history. When 1.0 comes out, he will have pioneered free 3d-applications, writing history with it.
But if its for credit-sake, i dont mind the splash anymore ;-)
How would you change the loading screen in anim8or?
Thank you, colclough, most inciteful. :D
In other words, use the K.I.S.S approach to composition, complexities will work themselfs in later, when you are ready.
Like It :) :) It would be a great change.