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Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: wiipowner on September 11, 2008, 10:57:58 pm

Title: Skeleton skull
Post by: wiipowner on September 11, 2008, 10:57:58 pm
hey everyone just wanted to see everyones opinion on my skull i made,only took me  2 days.First skull ive ever made
Title: Re: Skeleton skull
Post by: headwax on September 11, 2008, 11:41:09 pm
Heh, great job!

Rough C and c is: teeth a bit odd, skull needs a texture map and made a little dirty, could have some foramen and assymetry. Maybe those dents temperal to the eye sockets could be deeper?
Title: Re: Skeleton skull
Post by: Tanzim on September 12, 2008, 03:23:43 am
Pretty good.

One major problem I see currently is the crease in the middle, I'm guessing you created half the skull and mirrored it.

Here's how to get rid of it:
Make sure both sides are meshes (not 'Subdivided', if they are, set Working Divisions to 0, and 'Convert to Mesh'), select both, Build->Join Solids, go to 'Point Edit' mode, select overlapping points (1 pair at a time), Edit->Merge Faces.
Title: Re: Skeleton skull
Post by: wiipowner on September 12, 2008, 08:43:19 pm
is ther any possible way to 'unsubdivide'?
Title: Re: Skeleton skull
Post by: hihosilver on September 12, 2008, 11:33:39 pm
double click the subdivided object and set "working" to 0.  You can then convert the subdivision object to mesh and you're back to your original mesh.
Title: Re: Skeleton skull
Post by: wiipowner on September 12, 2008, 11:57:13 pm
when i double click the object ther is nothing that says 'working'
Title: Re: Skeleton skull
Post by: hihosilver on September 13, 2008, 12:01:30 am
Did you use "Build>Convert to Subdivided"?  If not, that's no good.  For a subdivision object you definitely want to use "Build>Convert to subdivided" and NOT "Build>Subdivide faces".  You can reverse a subdivision object and still retain the base mesh, but you can't when subdividing faces.
Title: Re: Skeleton skull
Post by: wiipowner on September 13, 2008, 12:13:01 am
ah well thats some good info,i just subdivided faces.only thing is that u cant mirror when u 'convert to subdivide' it
Title: Re: Skeleton skull
Post by: Tanzim on September 13, 2008, 01:22:40 am
Yeah, that's why you would convert it back to a mesh, and then mirror it.

Since your skull is a mesh (with a high poly count), you'll just have to merge the overlapping points in Point Edit mode.
Title: Re: Skeleton skull
Post by: falloffalot on September 14, 2008, 10:12:58 am
An idea may be to reduce the shiny effect on your texture. Bone as a rule isn't shiny.
Really nice work though wiipowner