Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: wiipowner on September 11, 2008, 10:57:58 pm
hey everyone just wanted to see everyones opinion on my skull i made,only took me 2 days.First skull ive ever made
Heh, great job!
Rough C and c is: teeth a bit odd, skull needs a texture map and made a little dirty, could have some foramen and assymetry. Maybe those dents temperal to the eye sockets could be deeper?
Pretty good.
One major problem I see currently is the crease in the middle, I'm guessing you created half the skull and mirrored it.
Here's how to get rid of it:
Make sure both sides are meshes (not 'Subdivided', if they are, set Working Divisions to 0, and 'Convert to Mesh'), select both, Build->Join Solids, go to 'Point Edit' mode, select overlapping points (1 pair at a time), Edit->Merge Faces.
is ther any possible way to 'unsubdivide'?
double click the subdivided object and set "working" to 0. You can then convert the subdivision object to mesh and you're back to your original mesh.
when i double click the object ther is nothing that says 'working'
Did you use "Build>Convert to Subdivided"? If not, that's no good. For a subdivision object you definitely want to use "Build>Convert to subdivided" and NOT "Build>Subdivide faces". You can reverse a subdivision object and still retain the base mesh, but you can't when subdividing faces.
ah well thats some good info,i just subdivided faces.only thing is that u cant mirror when u 'convert to subdivide' it
Yeah, that's why you would convert it back to a mesh, and then mirror it.
Since your skull is a mesh (with a high poly count), you'll just have to merge the overlapping points in Point Edit mode.
An idea may be to reduce the shiny effect on your texture. Bone as a rule isn't shiny.
Really nice work though wiipowner