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General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: AManik041 on September 10, 2008, 09:50:08 pm

Title: Texture help
Post by: AManik041 on September 10, 2008, 09:50:08 pm
For some reason, when i control the texture and change the specular and emissive in the materials, it doesn't appear exactly as i view it in the render preview.  How do i fix this?
Title: Re: Texture help
Post by: B3dman on September 10, 2008, 10:31:13 pm
i think because the modeling/animation work is done in a mode where the computer "estimates" what it should look like. otherwise whenever you changed anything it would have to render it all to make it perfect and this would take hours to make basic stuff.
Title: Re: Texture help
Post by: skullkrusher101 on September 10, 2008, 11:35:09 pm
I wonder if hitting reset visuals will trigger an update.
Title: Re: Texture help
Post by: AManik041 on September 11, 2008, 12:24:02 am
I have a feeling that's not it, because i've rendered things before
and they've turned out fine. I'm doing something different here
that's affecting it, but i can't quite figure it out

maybe pictures will help:

This is what my screenshot of the model is while i'm working:

This is what it renders out to be:

This is exactly what I did:
I clicked on the button with the "-" next to diffuse, specular, and emissive and added a wooden texture.  I changed the specular to 2, and i changed the color to a little more brown because the texture turned out to not give me the exact color i needed.  I'm pretty sure it's because i changed the color, since that's what I've been doing different from before.  Is there any way for me to fix this without going through all the trouble to re-color all the textures?  Like maybe have to actually click on the texture button and change the md or something?
Title: Re: Texture help
Post by: hihosilver on September 11, 2008, 05:49:56 pm
First, I see no reason for you to put the texture in the emmisive slot.  Second, a specular level of 2 may be a bit much.
Three, it depends on the lighting of your scene.  For instance, if you have a lot of lights around, and a very high specular setting, the whole thing will appear white.  Though that could also easily be caused by the emissive texture.
Title: Re: Texture help
Post by: AManik041 on September 20, 2008, 09:24:07 pm
thanks, although this is a little bit late, i finally managed to figure it out.  You click on the texture button, then click on darken.
Title: Re: Texture help
Post by: AManik041 on September 20, 2008, 09:28:21 pm
i actually have another question that i need help on, can someone tell me where to get the anim8or repair utility?  for some reason my anim8or picture says "error in reading file"
Title: Re: Texture help
Post by: floyd86 on September 21, 2008, 07:42:00 am
Is there such thing as the anim8or repair utility? however, there some people on the forum who could fix you file. I'm not capable in doing that, but if you post you file here maybe someone could take a look at it.
Title: Re: Texture help
Post by: AManik041 on September 23, 2008, 04:40:53 am
sounds like a useful skill, i should learn how to do that sometime...  here it is, if someone could please fix it then i would really appreciate it.

I have another really noobish question too.  when i extrude paths to create a mesh, i can't texture them.  is there any way i can go around that?
Title: Re: Texture help
Post by: CowTail on September 23, 2008, 07:02:10 am
Fixed. Some parts of your mesh couldn't be restored, however, so you should look over it.
Title: Re: Texture help
Post by: AManik041 on September 23, 2008, 02:23:18 pm
That's tight, thanks a lot.  The main part of what I needed is there, so it's all good. 

Also, back to another queston that i asked in a previous post, is there a way to texture a path that i extrude?
Title: Re: Texture help
Post by: Raxx on September 23, 2008, 05:31:18 pm
Clear this up for me: Do you want to A) Make the parts less shiny like in your workspace or B) Map the textures onto it so that the details on the texture aren't warped and show up?

For A: Turn off your emmissive and play with toning down your specular and other parts of the corresponding material until the Material's Preview Sphere in the material bar looks like what your workspace versions shows, or keep re-rendering until it's good enough.

For B: Check out the UV tool. Take a look at the manual for help on how to use it.

I think in your case, both A and B apply, so do both :P