Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: spicy on September 10, 2008, 04:29:02 pm
Well guys looks like I am off for better things, i wont be on anim8or much more (As to school work, GCSE's, coursework, personal matters, tk training and I cant spend much time here anymore..........................................well not until Chritsmas! I will be back at Christmas ready to finally produce my Space Series (I am still working on the website) and for the Portals game (New Idea, New Team), I will try to pop in time to time but not for long. So really it's goodbye until christmas, oh and by all means if you wanna send me emails, because I shall be looking at my Inbox! ;D
It's a shame but there's not alot i can do until I can get my daul-core and with other things, I am also woking on my First ICT Diploma (I am getting Distinction Star which is A*), also I gotta revise and practise, so catch you guys later at Christamas!
WHAT?!! NOOOOOOO!!! :o :'( ???
...have to say, it'll be a shame to see you go. really hope things work out ok, and you are able to come back in a few months' time! all the best with the ND. ;)
- colclough
Too bad to see you going. Good things it not forever ^^. Till that time we shall have to spent the time, thinking of what great things spicy will be making when he gets back.
See you next christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho!
Well sir, didn't really know ya, but hate to see you go from the anim8or family being a sr. member. It's a loss!
God Bless - See you when you're back
WHAT!!! you never told me! i can't belive it! well i'll still c u at school but why leave anim8or?
i bet you guys he's off to try blender, he did mention it infact... :-(
ill see yah,miss ya till then.
Wow man you sure have a busy life. Good luck with your diploma too. Let nothing hold ya back...not even Anim8or. But do come back for the occasion of showing off any Anim8ions you have meanwhile done. Best wishes dude. Enjoy life.
Meanwhile here's a couple of examples to show what ya missin out on. Nothin flash or anything but here ya go...
I know these are Finished Works but I'm sure the Administrators will understand why they are here (I hope).
The first pic is a bit grainy as I used AmbientOccluder with only 64 AA and it took at least 24 hrs to render. A smoother look of 256AA would have been better but it is what it is. I also didn't max out the reflections as this definitely would have taken a lot longer to render especially using shadows and dielectric material. But the 2nd pic shows a mass of reflections and took less than an hour to render.
Again (to the Administrators) I apologise for it being posted here.
Dont worry I am always watching, alot has happened in a small space of time as well as tanzims departure until feb 09, but anim8or has improved and it looks ace. Yes I am learning Blender, a powerful yet hard program to use.
kiwi how did you do that especialy the second one
RnDr FOX I will repost the 2nd one with a how to in the Finished Works section so as not to go off topic here
i will miss ya,i remember you when i was a newb.