Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: onespirit5777 on September 06, 2008, 11:46:16 am
This one took 3 to 4 hours to render.
This one took 23 hours to render - No joke!
Why do these take so long you ask. If you look at a drinking glass it has a thickness. I shell the drinking glasses to give it a more realistic look. That is what takes a such a long time to render.
Rendering them at 1024x768 doesn't help.
The rendering times may be long but the result is breathtaking.
As long as you don't need a whole range of images rendered it's well worth the time :)
Here's a transparent render I did a while ago, took all day
they're all cool, but i actually like the greyscale pic best out of the three, even if it is a bit 'simpler'. the B&W looks quite classy.
Cool nice work, i bet they have a high poly count, i liked the last one the best :-)
what values did you use to make the glass
awesome black and white
here's a wireframe before they were subdivided!
Don't think I could wait 24 hours.... but wow on the results!
Gosh. I just tryed to create a sphere with a hole on the top and bottom and used the shell tool. took way too long!
I used the lathe tool, quick and easy ;D
Hi everyone!
If you have a dielectric render you would like to share, post in here if you want.
did this a while ago just never posted it.
cool,without the dialectic parts its still a very nice pair of headphones.
I love the dielectric Steve added - Awesome headphones!!! Very nice work!!!
Here is something I did for the my church.
Nice pictures everybody! (I wonder how those glass headphones sound?)
Excellent onespirit5777. I too would like to know how music sounds through glass headphones. Nice mike too. I'm still experimenting with dielectrics with unexpected results. Well done.
I'm guessing that with glass you'd get a deeper bass.
Maybe I should post a dielectric work here as well.
hihosilver - He did the headphones, so I can't take credit for that just in case anyone thought I did it.
They are awesome!
Uh... How exactly do you set up a dialectric material?
I'm new to ART.
Make material, go to attributes> New attribute> call it 'class'> go to string and type 'dielectric' and hit ok. Now do the same: make another new attribute but this time call it 'IOR' then go to float and type the number of refraction you want: 1 is no refraction, 1.33 is glass, 2.5 is diamond and so on (best stick to 1.33 if you want a glass/plastic look).
All about attributes can be found at the v0.97 preview section of the site (link is over there <----)
Here is a diamond(Kubajzz script) render with dielectric:
Thanks Floyd, Very Helpful! :D
monex: that diamond render is awesome. proving yet again that anim8or can do truly great things in the right hands!
I agree. I also like the glassy/ceramic reflectiveness of the diamond stand.
Wow... even a cube is improved MUCHLY with dialectic:
I was feeling a little on the far out side - I think I will start an alien art file
The center piece is dielectric
My glass plane and space ship
One image is dielectric and one is not - for both pics
And another one!
i haven't got a clue what that's meant to be, but it looks funky 8)
very nice render.
It's a ? I don't have a clue either
You should make that in real glass. It would do well in an art gallery.
Newbie question!
Why are these glass (actually it reminds me more of ice) renders called 'dielectric'?
Newbie question!
Why are these glass (actually it reminds me more of ice) renders called 'dielectric'?
Dielectric is the ART attribute used to make glass renders. Here ( more information about the ART raytracer: have fun!
Thanks a bunch! :D
I wish I could do glass art outside of computer renders!