Anim8or Community

General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: KiwiNM8OR on August 28, 2008, 03:41:55 am

Title: Joined solids materials missing
Post by: KiwiNM8OR on August 28, 2008, 03:41:55 am
Perhaps I'm doing something wrong but when I join solids of different objects with their own materials, save, exit Anim8or, reload and open the project file the materials are still there but no longer applied to the original objects and therefore can no longer be reapplied (well, one of the materials can be).

Cheers and ThanX
Title: Re: Joined solids materials missing
Post by: xalener on August 29, 2008, 01:45:59 am
You can apply each individual texture to the faces, though...
Title: Re: Joined solids materials missing
Post by: KiwiNM8OR on August 29, 2008, 02:51:21 am
Cheers xalener, until this bug is fixed I guess I'll have to do it that way. I think the other alternative is to not join solids for now but group them instead since the objects retain their materials this way.
