Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: monkeyboy on January 13, 2008, 07:50:35 pm
I'm modelling an alien just for fun. So far I have the headWhat do you think of my Him?
( (
I like him so far.
well, he wouldn't win any beauty contests :P but he looks like he's got enough brains inside that head! now is he meant to be a good guy, a bad guy, or not particularly either? well, cool model anyway ;)
- colclough
excellent a bit monkey'ish but excellent lol. only crit and its more of an opinion. the fangs he has to close and centered? or was that the look you were going for? very cool though!
WOW!!! :o
What a model man!
and I thought my alien was cool.
If you do want a look at my alien, here he is........ :D
But man, what a model...
I'd like to see him textured......
and bro, could you use morph targets and make him say something?
I've been trying, no luck! ???
wondering whether it'd work.....
You can use morph targets to make them talk. You need to calculate when different phonemes ( will be used. You want to make a morph target for each phoneme, so that the mouth movements are realistic. Here's an image showing the different phonemes:
The one thing I hate about out-of-this-world models is that you can't really say theres something wrong with them, because you've never seen them before either.
But I'll give it a shot, ahem, monkeyboy, you might have to work on the ears and the nose, they don't deem to well detailed, but otherwise good start
Could you show a wireframe?