Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: emuman4evr on August 24, 2008, 08:29:34 pm
Hello, Im new to the 3D modeling world, I made my first model using a cube with an reference image behind it.
What you guys think?
First model?!?!?!?!? :o
oh my jabbywonger.(ive done it again :) ) you are quite the rising star!
how long did it take?
I spent like an hour each day for 2 days on it. It was really easy I just started out with a cube with a reference image behind it and just extruded the cube and placed the points to form this shape.
Good model are you going to texture it? Here's a model I wipped up real quick and texured. It really adds reality to your model. Mine is probably not the best example because it was quick, but you get the point.
Not the best example?
that looks like sumthin from Call of Duty 4
exactly what i was thinking! looks very professional.
emum: wow that is pretty good for your first model. It would be perfect if it was a little rounder
TheCodedOne:If you want can you show us how you textured your gun. It could help emum......and me :-[
me too.i cant texture for my life.
It was really quite simple.
1) I found a texture or 2
2) I entered anim8or and created a material
3) I loaded the textures I found as diffuse textures
4) I converted my model to mesh then selected individual faces or groups of faces
5) I then used the anim8or UV texture editor on the left hand pannal to zoom and move the texture untill I liked the position.
6) I basically repeated this for the whole mesh.
7)The modeling and texturing in combination with creating a few metalic materials took 20 - 30mins give or take.
I don't use any other texture editors like 'UV Mapper' or the like because i've become proficiant at the anim8or Texturer.
Well i hope this gives you a good idea of how I texture my models, this is not always practical especially for many larger high polly models, but it works. Sorry if this disappoints you guys because you already use this method. If you need a more descriptive example I will update this post.
thx i hadnt a clue that was possible.
I did ;) I was going to use a UV wrap after I fixed some parts.
Lol well happy to have helped some one.
emuman4evr post your textured model when you finish it I want to see what you come up with.
First model?
WOW, great for a first (assuming we don't include anything made from tutorials)
Did you render it in Blender, because you seem to have the same background color as Blender's Default.
Yep rendered in blender, the rendering in anim8or is kind of qwerky to be honest.