Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: yetipenguin on August 21, 2008, 07:26:11 am
the "woman" you see is not real :o...pretty good isnt it
sheesh... looks like steve's got some tech-development catch-up to do... just kidding. i don't think most of us anim8or users are quite that ambitious, are we?!! :P
- colclough
I don't like it. It's so fake, it's dripping paint :(
To me the best modeling, texturing and animation is still Shrek. :)
Yeah that's awesome, but the smiles a bit weird.
It was easy to tell that it was fake, the movement is too generic and smooth, and the lips and eyes are too big, but that is pretty astonishing.
I think that with mabye a realistic sneeze or something... it would look more real.
To me the best modeling, texturing and animation is still Shrek. :)
in terms of realistic humans, i'd probably agree. in terms of stylised humans, though, The Incredibles and Ratatouille are better - i think the fact that they are obviously not trying to be photo-real probably helps audiences to accept them, but Pixar still put a lot of effort into texturing and rendering, so that they don't look fake and plasticky like a lot of other studios' CG humans do. i have to admit i find myself responding better to Linguini than to this new character, even though Linguini's nose is 10 times the size of what any real human would have!
the big problem for photo-real CG humans is, though: if you want real, then why not just shoot live-action, for pete's sake? i've never heard any filmmaker satisfactorily answer that one.
- colclough
You guys all say how weird and fake it is... If a video like this appeared in the middle of your favourite talk show and you didn't know about it, I'm sure you wouldn't recognize it. If you're trying to find something bad, you'll always find it, but this video is pretty awesome!
Yeah, is it just a head and shoulders? if it were viewed from a greater distance, i'd easily be fooled.
I agree with Kub. If you guys didn't tell me I would have no idea that was CG :-[
The key to the movement, however, is a real live actor. Sorry, as a member of SAG I tend to lookout for my counterparts! ;)
Very impressive, isn't that a type of expression mapping by an actor and the cg is just duplicating each expression?
The eyes look a little freaky, still pretty awesome
it would be really creepy to play a game with CGs like this :-\ hope they never do it-sort of
I'd like to play a game like that, just to see how realistic it could be.
Hmm...*idea pops into head*
lol, I'll remember this whne I'l older. XD
Theres also a program where you can make 3D images just by taking pictures
I agree I would not want a game thats this realistic. Thankfully with current hardware it would be impossible to run in real time so we dont have to worry about that.
I think I have a fairly good "CG-eye" (pun intended lol) Because my friends showed me various footage with realistic looking cars or objects, but for me it was easy to tell what was fake. Besides her movements seemed too erratic in my eyes.
;D nice one. yeh,it would be cool to play a game with this level of CG, but if all games turned like this, imagine playing, of dutyX, it would be really wierd, coz it would be as if there were real people in it :-[ wierd for me
any one know how to edit PVM files
what are PVM files ??? , and what do they have to do with this thread? ???
edit: i dont think anim8or can open PVM files...but im not sure...
I love how they call GTA a computer game.
It's almost like seeing a modern game ad and seeing "REAL 3D GRAPHICS!!!"
Yeah, Anything on a Screen (be it computer or TV) is 2D, although some games are Immersive, different, but a better word to use... hard to explain lol.
I still don't think it's that hot. To me, it looked like they tried to map a CG texture over a live actor, kind of like they did with "The Mummy" to create the half-desiccated, half-regenerated scenes. ...there's still somethign a little stiff or plastic to the movements. If I didn't know this was CG, I would have thought she had way too much plastic surgery or Botox, and her face was partially paralyzed. far as the best CG to date, it is a toss up. So many movies go for a stylized look, there are few that try for true photorealism. Shrek and the PIXAR movies are all stylized and cartoony. Final Fantast VII: Advent Children has a dreamy, androgynous, anime look. My vote would have to to go the new Star Wars trilogy for most photo-realistic, even though there weren't really any CG humans
it was good. but in The Lord of The Rings golum looks a lot better(he was completely computer generated)
Keep in mind that most Gollum's movements and facial expressions where driven by motion capture data created from human actor, Andy Serkis. That said, one cannot deny the amazing textures created by the CG artists responsible for the final product.
i think the talent ( or technolgy ) it takes to create total realisim is impresive. and definitely to be respected. but i still have to think if you realy want that much realisim why not go real. i would think it easer to use real actors on a real set ( as far as movies go) for me CG is for going beyound realality.
I get your idea, motion capture I guess would be best used to get realistic animations on say, cartoony looking characters and robots (I, Robot), instead of for recreating life. Although some shows/movies like to keep characters just below total realism, like the FF7 movie, it keeps the audience amazed at the realism but relaxed (couldn't think of a better word) as they are still animated and not real.
Off topic ???
any one know how to edit PVM files
If PVM files you need to open are XP digi photos or movies try or try MS power point I think that may work too.
PS: Please open a new thread next time. ;) Hope this helps :)
Seen the main player from mirror's edge? It's not very photorealistic, but there's no mistaking humanity, and perhaps emotional faces... to me, looks more realistic than this.
i could tell that was cg her eyes looked wierd,and her face looked too perfect