Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 20, 2008, 11:19:41 pm
A lot of you won't know me, i stopped anim8ing about 4-5 months ago (i think) and i haven't really done any since, but i have made a few things, and today, I made something that looked pretty decent, so i decided to start again. (it wasn't the only factor)
I have been looking around, and have seen a lot of new people, and the quality of new work (with the help of ART) is phenominal! I myself will probably take a few months before i actually decide to use ART, since my PC is too old and slow for it... So... Hello again.
I am going to upload the thing i thought looked pretty good, but it's 1600 x 1200... so i may have to resort to imageshack... I will attempt to upload it...
Hopefully i will stick with it now... but it'll take a while before i can remember to regularly check the forum, and i need to check out that suspicious "YouTube" tab on the left...
Here it is... The picture inside the frame is from a game called morrowind, but the frame... i thought, looked pretty good... it might just be me being stupid, but it's the thing that brought me back into anim8or.
The texture was found here, i cropped it to the bit i needed:
hey joe! welcome back to anim8orness! you just dropped off the bottom of the Top 10 Posters list here a couple of weeks ago, but i'm sure that's a problem you'd be able to fix... ;D
i agree, that's a very nice frame. keep it up!
- colclough
Hey flashjoew =3 its me Cymru792!
Hi cym, done anything interesting with the program yet?
Cymru where in Wales are you from. I'm from Ruthin, Denbighshire :)
One last file to post in this thread for now, some may find it useful...
Yes i made my first mesh flash =3 its not so hard after all
Welcome back Joe!!!!!!!!!
I was wondering what happened to you. I hope that you stick with anim8or. Don't worry about ART that much since you are trying to get back into the groove 8)
All it takes is practice. If you need extra help ( and ( are great sites and there are people there to help you. Me joining these two forums was one of the best decisions I have made since using anim8or.
If you get in a modeling slump(like I do sometimes) join some of the comps on the forums.
Animanon has a mentor/buddy system that you will like(Kreator has taken me under his wing,God bless him ;))
Cg-Nation has nice comps like the speed modeling comps that is awesome(I usually have the worst model but they give me some C&C on it and it is so much fun)
Trust me everyone was a noob at one time.
With that said...HAPPY ANIM8ING
welcome back!its nice to see anim8or redeemed in a fellow anim8or.
Thanks guys, and i did in fact take part in one of the speed modelling comps, was one of my better looking models, i'd forgotten about them, thanks.
Hey 3DJW welcome back.
Good to be back, but man this forum is slow.