Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: im not a people person73 on August 15, 2008, 07:03:26 pm
another dude i made,it looks OK i guess,im not trying to go for realistic with anything i make yet so yep.
That's a cute dude !
Are you going to animate him ?
Wow, your getting better, though his face is a bit flat (and too large for his body).
Any chance of a flat-shaded screenshot.
he reminds me of a Lauren Child illustration for some reason. maybe it's the facial proportions.
very nice imnapp73(man you need a nickname)
You are getting better ;D
The lips do need a little work and the hair looks transparent, which hair is not :-\
I also like the black suede shoes ;)
though his face is a bit flat (and too large for his body)
That's what makes him so charming :)
i layered the hair thrice with a transmap,different mapping and such,may layer it up a bit more.for thickness.print screen doesnt really work for me so i had to set the smooth angles to 0,yes,i do plan to anim8 him eventually after some work and it might be a while for that,because im gonna try and make something worth it.sry for the bad spelling i was just on myspace (if i made a noticable amount of mistakes).my pc runs on 128 mb of RAM so even scanline isnt real time...i need an update BAD!
Hes not winn dixie (Getting beeeter aaaall the tiiime).nah im just are getting better.may need to change ur sig.