Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Rosemary on August 06, 2008, 03:12:49 pm
I just found this forum...
I use Anim8or since about 2 years now, making furnitures, deco objects and such.
Now, I made a bed frame, and would really like to have a heart shape hole in both the head board and footboard (if this is a word)
There is the extrude button...but I can't figure out how this works, or if this is what I need.
If I could just draw a heart, then gone !
That would please me rather !
I have attached a picture of the bed frame, don't mind the color, that was just to make some parts different, to see better... ;)
Thank you all,
Rosemary :0)
There are several ways. The easiest way would be to simply create two splines, one tracing the outside of the headboard or footboard and the other creating a heart in the middle. Go "Build>Join Splines" Then "Build>Extrude" and choose your options. It should create what you want
it will have very bad topology, the main face will be made up of triangles. If you plan to stick with a basic mesh that's fine, but if you plan to subdivide the object and smooth it it's not preferred, and still, just for the sake of practice it's not preferred since you always want to have good topology! ;)
So you could do several things. You could do what I said before, then delete all the edges and use the add-edge tool to create your own with good topology, you could merge all the faces and do the same with the cut tool, or you could hand create the whole thing with the add-edge tool from the beginning.
Another way to do this would be to use the "intrude face" tool on both sides of the headboard or footboard, then move the vertices on the inside the form a heart, select the faces on each side again and use the bridge command.
Just a few ways for you to do it ;)
Hi Rosemary,
Thank you for that useful link MP3D!
But, i didn't find a tutorial to make egde loopings...just a GIF thing Smiley
At least, now I know what you are all talking about, and, I downloaded the PDF document...*browsing through it now *
Rosemary :0)
There is a whole series on edge looping on my site.
Start with the head tutorial. Then go to the body tutorial. Edge looping is a technique used in modeling. (you know that ;D)
Those videos will teach you edge looping.
And thanks for the compliment on my website, not many people say ( Thank you ) for spending the time to make those tutorials.
Its nice to hear it is helping you.
Take care.
Thank you big bunch Hihosilver :)
For now, all the words that you've used, the ways to work with Anim8or, are a bit confusing to me...
But, I'll read about it for sure.
After reading a bit of MP3D's pdf document, I came to think "bridge" was the way :)
All goes well, except, there was some tiny faces showing, like if no matter how the bridge came out, some faces were still attached...(I can't find my words!!!)and after export as .obj, and into my ms3d program, that wasen't good anymore...
For what I am doing, I can't subdivide at all, or almost at all.
I need as low poly count as possible ;)
Otherwise...I'd be subdividing alot.
And, thank you again MP3D, yes, it is helping me !
I am planning on reading all of it, and be a better...Anim-user.
I'll go have a look at that other link of yours...:)
Rosie :0)
Maybe there could be something that might help, have a look here :
Lynn!!! :-*
I almost fell down my know ;D
I just got up so outch!
That could not be more what I want to do...even the bed in the tut has the same green did that on purpose ? LOL!
Alot of big thanks to you, wow...
that link is now in my back pocket.
What a nice forum to be in!
Thanks everyone,
Rosie :0)
(sorry, I might write silly sometimes, I speak french...mostly!)
De rien Rosie, avec plaisir :)
[you're welcome Rosie]