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Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: PLanAhead on July 30, 2008, 03:42:57 am

Title: Self Portrait
Post by: PLanAhead on July 30, 2008, 03:42:57 am
Self explanatory.
Since learning to use the edge extrusion I suddenly learned to do faces rather quickly and accurately.

I decided to try a bust of myself.

I also included a rotational video.

Title: Re: Self Portrait
Post by: Tanzim on July 30, 2008, 05:51:15 am
Really nice model.
Although your going to have to do some work on the edge loops around the nose, and you have a few 5-sided poly's.
The UV Mapping is good, although the texture map could do with some work, such as giving your face more color and getting rid of the sudden change near the sides.
And finally, I think your (models) cheeks should be a bit bigger (I won't use chubbier because you don't seem to be fat [no flattery intended]), though it might be the texture map.
Title: Re: Self Portrait
Post by: PLanAhead on July 30, 2008, 10:24:24 am
I know about the chubbiness  :D ;)
The features do seem a bit etched in stone.
I've been working out recently so hey, maybe I'll leave it how it is and I'll grow into it.  ;D

I hate doing noses and ears. Its an area I need to concentrate on exclusively for a bit.

The texture map was just sort of, let's see how this looks, but I probably won't use the real images for the final model, but instead opt for texture I make. Or I may leave it as a statue.

Thanks for the crits. I don't see any 5 sided polys, but I know there are a few 3 sideds in there so I need to work on those.

Title: Re: Self Portrait
Post by: thecolclough on July 30, 2008, 03:50:22 pm
wow :o

that's awesome.  interesting to note, though, that the hat looks more finished than you do - i'm guessing that's because the hat is a bit easier?  ;D

and i have to second tanzim re: the texture map.

nice to get to see what one of our fellow forumites actually looks like, too

- colclough
Title: Re: Self Portrait
Post by: hihosilver on July 30, 2008, 05:22:17 pm
In addition to previous pieces of criticism, the face seems off from your face proportionally.  I believe this is because you most likely modeled the face in the ortho view.  It's best, when modeling something like a face, from a reference to model in perspective view.  Though it may seems awkward or strange, it makes much more sense.  The photo of you was taken in an environment that has perspective.  Therefore, if you model in an ortho view, you'll get skewed results.  That's why I feel it doesn't really look that much like you.

The edge loops do definitely need to continue around the nose area.
Keep up the good work! (oh, and is up now)
Title: Re: Self Portrait
Post by: PLanAhead on July 30, 2008, 09:13:01 pm
Thanks for the info about the perspective view. I was wondering how to get around that. I modified the model just sort of guessing and it looks (better) than it did.
I was wondering why people I showed it to didn't recognize me.

(it was sort of embarrasing)  ::)  :-\

But that's how we learn...  ;)
I didn't know CG-nation was down. It's down often due to overcrowding.
Title: Re: Self Portrait
Post by: Tanzim on July 30, 2008, 11:36:21 pm
Here's all your 5-sided polygons.
As for the texture, if your feeling lazy, can just get a concrete texture and wrap that around your model. ;)
Title: Re: Self Portrait
Post by: hihosilver on July 31, 2008, 03:06:20 am
Just a hint to post your work there ;)
Title: Re: Self Portrait
Post by: PLanAhead on July 31, 2008, 11:26:38 am
Wow. I hadn't noticed those 5-sides.
Guess I need to look at some more examples to learn to fix that.

I was thinking of modeling all of me in a baseball pose. Doing it in bronze and giving myself a 'Hall of Fame' trophy.  ;D :D ;) .....  ::)

I don't know if I'm quite good enough to post on CG-Talk just yet....
Most of the stuff on there is SOOOOOO good.

I think I'll graduate to Animanon first, but thanks for the vote of confidence.
Title: Re: Self Portrait
Post by: hihosilver on July 31, 2008, 05:19:07 pm
haha I'm not talking about CG-talk!  I mean CG-nation!  It's the revamped and remodeled version of
The work on CG-talk is amazing though, you can learn a lot from that work.